Page 95 of Sinful Kingdom
After a quick round of goodbyes with teary-eyed Blake and Zay, I finally drag Evie away and through the front door.
“Did someone order a taxi?” Theo asks, climbing out of the driver’s seat at the same time Atlas bolts from the car, making a beeline for Zay.
“Dude, you got taken captive. That’s so cool. Tell me everything,” Atlas demands.
“Atlas,” Theo growls. “What did we just talk about?”
Atlas waves his big brother off as if he isn’t one of the most terrifying men in the city before the two of them go tearing into the house.
Blakely looks at Theo and the two of them shrug.
“Anyway, have fun with them, Blakely. We’ve got places to be going and things to be doing.”
“I bet you have,” she scoffs as I tug Evie toward Theo’s car.
He takes the bags from me but not before giving me the evil eye for carrying them in the first place.
Pulling the back door open, I gesture for Evie to slide inside.
“Such a gentleman,” she murmurs.
“You probably won’t be saying that in a few hours.”
“Alex,” Theo barks. “Sit in the fucking front.”
“I love you, man. But there’s no chance in hell of that happening.”
I slide in after Evie and don’t stop until I’m right up against her.
“Be good,” she warns with a smirk as Theo drops into the driver’s seat.
“Where’s the fun in that?” I mutter before gripping her chin and slamming my lips down on hers.
“I guess I should be grateful you’re still too injured to fuck her back there,” Theo scoffs, making Evie laugh.
“Bit rich, considering what you did right next to us in the back of Seb’s car not so long ago.”
“Fuck that motherfucker. He’s screwed Stella on every surface I own. He deserves it.”
“So his spunk was here first… interesting.”
“It’s been fully valeted since they were back there. Fucker paid for it too.”
“Your friends are crazy,” Evie says lightly. “I love them.”
“Shh, don’t let them hear you say that, it’ll go to their heads.”
“Too late,” Theo confirms. “And you’re right, they’re all crazy. Aren’t you glad the sane one stopped by to bring you home?”
“Sane my fucking arse. Did you know Theo has OCD?” I ask Evie.
“I do fucking not.”
“Ask him how many packets of anti-bac wipes he has in this car right now,” I encourage.
“The fuck, dude?”
“How many?” Evie asks, happily playing along.