Page 24 of Searching the Skies
“Well…” He brushed the hair back from his eyes and scratched his head, as if searching for an appropriate answer. “Why not?”
“Why not?” she repeated. “Because it’s…I…well…” Finding a valid response proved to be a struggle for her. “Don’t you think it’s sort of a crazy idea?”
Ash continued eating as if no one had suggested anything scandalous. “Stranger things have happened.”
Geneva’s cheeks grew hotter as she contemplated the seriousness of the proposal. She assyned they appeared a bright, flaming shade of red. Marcus shifted in his chair to face her head-on. “Why don’t you go upstairs and think it over? If you don’t come back down after a while, we’ll come find you,” he said, the implication clear.
She stood up and gave the two of them one last incredulous look before following his directions in a daze. Making her way to the second floor of the house, she raced down the long hallway to the master bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Dropping into a sitting position on the bed, she rested her chin on her hands and tried to make sense of the jumbled thoughts whirling through her mind.
They weren’t really going to do this…were they? She hadn’t thought much of her offhand comment before she made it, but since the seeds of possibility had been planted, she wondered if she should dare dream about the potential outcomes. Though she had never imagined herself in such a position, an exhilarating rush spread throughout her body. Indulging in a night of decadent sex with the two men who had touched her in so many ways would be the ultimate fantasy, the culmination of everything she’d wanted.
She wasn’t sure how much time passed before the door opened, and Marcus peered into the room. “Hi,” he casually greeted her.
“Hi.” A giggle escaped her lips at the absurdity of the whole situation.
He entered the bedroom, Ash close behind. “So…uh…we’re here.”
“I can see that.” The heat had never disappeared from her cheeks, but she’d committed to her decision and planned to see it through. “What am I supposed to say, exactly? ‘I’m here for the taking?’”
The men laughed. “It’s a start,” said Ash.
Geneva tugged at the bedspread, loosening the neat edges, and shoved it to the floor. Resuming her position at the edge of the bed, her eyes darted back and forth between her two companions, unsure of how to proceed. Neither one made a move. As she had brought about the evening’s activities, however inadvertently, she took the initiative and reached for the hem of her tailored blouse. It floated to the floor after she pulled it over her head, and she wriggled out of her corduroy pants with the same determined speed.
No one else budged from his position, so she continued undressing. She was the center of attention as she flung her bra into the growing pile, and her panties soon followed. Completely nude, and still blushing since she’d never been in this state in front of an audience of more than one, she slid back on the bed and propped herself up on her elbows in anticipation of the upcoming show.
Ash took his cue and tore off his own shirt, muscles rippling as the broad plane of his chest was exposed. Not to be outdone, Marcus followed suit and unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down off his slim hips. They wasted no time in removing the rest of their clothing and stood before her, presenting themselves in an offer that awakened her wildest desires.
The commander’s pale skin and sturdy build were a stark contrast to the tanned, wiry body of the man next to him, but Geneva had little time to analyze her comparisons. Ash sat next to her on the bed and stroked her side, tracing a line from her shoulder, around the swell of her breast, down to the curve of her hip, and back up again. She closed her eyes and shuddered under his feathery touch, aware of what he could do with those fingers, but another hand directed her head to the opposite side. Marcus lay down beside her on the other side of the bed and brought his mouth to hers.
She ran her fingers through his silky hair before resting her hand at the back of his neck, keeping him close as she received his sultry kiss. He caressed her cheek and steered her head to the pillow. Folding her hand around his, she pressed it against her chest, over her pounding heart. He cupped one of the mounds of quivering flesh with his palm, and his thumb grazed her pert nipple, eliciting a gasp.
Movement to her left made the mattress creak beneath them, but a second mouth closing over the other hardened nipple caught her by surprise. Ash swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud before drawing it between his teeth, forgoing any attempts to be gentle with her. She would have let out a shocked squeal, but Marcus held her captive with his lips and refused to let her go. The feeling of being trapped between them, their bodies flattened against hers, was intoxicating. She craved more.
Ash released her breast from his grasp and ran his tongue along the line of her body. At the same time, Marcus kissed his way to her ear and down to the base of her neck, dragging his teeth across the delicate skin. She moaned as he bit down, not caring if he left a mark. His fingers located the moistened nipple left behind in favor of other pursuits as Ash’s lips skimmed her inner thigh. Every part of her burned with lust as she surrendered control. She was subject to hands, lips, tongues exploring her, exploiting her involuntary responses, and she loved every second of it.
When Ash stopped moving, she lifted her head and looked down at him. Drunk with uninhibited passion, she met his smoldering azure gaze, the one consuming her dreams. She stared into his eyes, silently begging him to continue.
“Impatient, are we?” he teased, resting his cheek on her leg.
Marcus’s mouth moved up to her ear, his tongue tracing lazy circles around the edge. The titillating sensations distracted her, so much she could barely speak, but she managed to choke out a few words. “Ash,” she whispered between ragged breaths. “Please.”
He ducked his head down to lap at her pussy, plunging his tongue along her inner walls. Her hips jerked upward, but Marcus held her in place. One of her arms draped around his shoulders, pulling him closer to her, while her other hand rested in the downy fuzz atop Ash’s head. All of her senses kicked into overdrive, yet there was no escape. She tightened her grasp on whatever lay nearby as her legs shook.
Never ceasing his mouth’s deliberate motions, Ash shoved her thighs apart, allowing him unrestricted access to her clit. She cried out and arched her back, thrusting her chest into the air. In response, Marcus guided a tender nipple between his lips and sucked down hard, wrapping his arms around her torso to prevent her from writhing away.
Her body was ignited, set aflame by the doubled amount of erotic contact. She welcomed the incoming orgasm, letting it course through her every nerve, unconcerned about revealing her vulnerabilities to the two men who already knew her so intimately. Neither one relented until her tremors slowed, erasing any lingering memories of unfulfilled needs.
Geneva exhaled as her pulse returned to a regular rhythm, but her state of relaxation didn’t last for long. When her eyelids fluttered open, she saw Ash kneeling next to her, a satisfied grin plastered across his face. “Oh, Geneva,” he growled. “We’re not done with you yet.”
Before she could respond, he grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over. Marcus pulled himself into a sitting position, reclining against a pile of pillows near the head of the massive bed, and stroked her wild hair. Her gaze drifted down the front of his body, culminating with the swollen erection protruding near her face.
Clambering to her hands and knees, she centered herself in front of it and ran her fingers along its length. As she encircled the shaft with her fist, Ash planted his hands on the sides of her ass. The tip of his cock pushed apart her dripping folds, preparing to embed itself into her pussy. He rammed into her so hard, she almost went flying headfirst into Marcus’s chest, but she caught herself and braced herself better for the next onslaught. Remembering the steely erection in her hand, she knew what she needed to do.
Geneva took the engorged head between her lips, flicking her tongue across it and tasting the salty moisture. Under different circumstances, she would have taken her time, teasing him and working her way down little by little, but she wasn’t the one responsible for setting the pace. She slid as much of his cock inside her mouth as possible, wrapping her lips around the satin skin of the shaft, and prepared to reciprocate everything he had ever done for her.
His muscles tensed and he gripped the sheets as she swirled her tongue around, devouring him. A muted groan strained in his throat as she sucked eagerly and cupped his balls with her free hand. Another thrust from behind threatened to knock her off-balance again, the momentum sending Marcus’s cock farther into her mouth. After a brief moment of alarm, she compelled herself to relax and open herself to him, letting the bulbous head push against the back of her throat.
Impaled from both ends, Geneva felt utterly, impossibly…full. They were inside her, filling her to the brim with their undeniable sexuality, fulfilling her cravings for what each of them had to offer. She reached a state of euphoric bliss as they each fucked her, their separate movements coming together to bring her to a whole new world of pure delight. Unbridled pleasure tore throughout her, sizzling in her veins. She would have screamed as Ash reached around to rub her aching clit, but the cock in her mouth prevented her from doing so. Her lack of control excited her further, and an epic explosion simmered deep within her, coiling in every part of her body.