Page 38 of The Stay
Ash only shuddered. “But my MC…a nipple piercing isn’t…”
“Fuck your MC. Fuck you, Ash,” Nix said. He’d had enough. “You’re taking my metal and you’re taking my colors and you’re taking my dick. Got it?”
“Nixy…” Ash purred.
“You can go back to your MC and play with motorcycles and tough guys in leather but you’ll be mine-” Nix didn’t know what he was saying now, he was driving himself wild, he was working himself up into a blood frenzy. And he saw red.
“Say it, Ash.”
“What? Say… what?”
“Say you’ll take it all.” Nix needed to hear it. He needed it. He needed to belong. His soul had been restless for too long. It needed a home. It needed to stay put, it needed to be buried down into flesh. And it wanted into Ash’s.
“I…” Ash breathed, making Nix wait.
Nix was beginning to lose his temper. Was the fucker doing this on purpose? Probably, Nix realized.
Nix swatted Ash’s ass. Hard. Much harder than he’d swatted any girl in the bedroom before.
Ash cried out.
Nix grabbed his head and shoved it into the pillow, and swatted him again. Even harder.
“Yes, Nix, fuck, I’ll take you, I’ll take you,” Ash’s words were muffled by the pillow and high pitched from the physical pain. But that’s exactly what Nix wanted to hear.
That’s exactly what Nix wanted.
Nix put one hand on his cock, and pushed himself steadily and slowly in.
“Yes, fuck yes,” Nix breathed.
Nix felt Ash’s rim clench and resist slightly, but Nix stayed there, he just let his cock apply pressure and waited, and Ash rewarded him with an inch or so of tight, hot bliss. A moment later, the next inch. Nix tried to count them. Two, three, four. He lost count. The pleasure caused his vision to blur.
“You’re so big, Nix, fucking… fantastic,” Ash said, his eyes watering.
“Yeah,” Nix managed to huff back. “Still got more to take, let’s start slow…” he muttered.
Both men groaned together.
“Fuck, Ash, fuck,”Nix managed to mumble.
“Hold my cock,” Ash instructed.
Nix didn’t think twice. He didn’t hesitate, he didn’t dwell on it. In this moment, he was well and truly diving in and he’d be fucked if he was going to worry about anything else.
So he did, and was rewarded by Ash shivering when Nix’s large, strong, tattooed hand came around him and fisted Ash’s cock tightly. Fuck, Ash’s cock felt right at home in his hands, it felt familiar, it felt like his own cock. It felt good. He held on tight, using his grip to pull Ash into him harder. It didn’t just feel like his own cock physically. It felt like Ash’s cock was his own cock, an extension of himself. An extension of his pleasure.
“Yeah, now fuck me,” Ash said.
Nix surrendered to the instruction, whole-heartedly and completely. Nix sped up, thrusting his hips.
“Oh fuck, is this right?” Nix ground out.
“Yeah, fucking right, Nixy,” Ash slurred. “It feel right to you?” Ash added.
“Yeah, fuck yeah,” Nix slurred, too. It felt so fucking right it was almost unhinging him. “I’m not gonna last long… you’re so fucking tight and your fucking ass cheeks… fuck me,” Nix said.
Ash smiled and Nix melted inside. Something gooey and sweet and sticky was filling his chest and he hadn’t felt it before. Was it going to drown him, stick his heart to his ribcage and stop it beating? Nix didn’t care, he wanted to drown forever in this.