Page 24 of Love à la Mode
“This time when I fuck you, Aurora Gray, I’m claiming you for my own. You got that? I’m emptying my cock inside your pussy and staking my claim. If that’s not what you want, there’s the door.”
One corner of her mouth lifts in a wicked grin. She flattens herself against the wall and pops out her ass. “Search me, Chief.” She looks over her shoulder. “Claimme.”
God fucking dammit. My plans to tease her with a slow and thorough pat down have gone out the window. I can’t wait another minute to sink my cock into her channel and take what’s mine. I spread her legs wider and step up behind her. Hands shackled to her hips, I guide my cock home.
I take her hard and fast.
She’s bent over, hands flat on the wall above her head, as our bodies slap together. She meets each powerful thrust with a mixture of desperation and enthusiasm. I pull out, spin her around, and push her back up against the same wall. I lift her by the hips and sink back into her pussy. She digs her fingers into my shoulders and moans my name in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard.
The climax is explosive for both of us. Seconds after her pussy shudders, my cock empties inside her depths. I hold her there against the wall, my cock pulsing inside her channel, until my legs give out.
“You’remine¸Aurora Gray. Mine forever.”
Whoever made up the phrase about cloud nine has clearly never spent the day, followed by the night, with Garrett Bradley worshipping their body. If they had, they’d have called it cloud infinity. Never in my life did I think pleasure like this existed. It seemed all well and good in romance novels, but in real life?
Now I get why my sisters are always walking around as if they’re floating on clouds themselves.
I’m finally in the club.
I stop by Grandma Rose’s house to change into a set of work clothes I didn’t think to bring with me to Garrett’s, and then stop byBlack Bear Coffeeto bring us both an early morning treat. Despite the extra stops, I pull into the diner’s parking lot a full ten minutes before the grocery delivery fromThree Bearsis scheduled to arrive.
Only, the truck is already here.
I hurry inside, hoping Grandma Rose won’t count them being early against me. I make a mental note to be an hour early for future grocery delivery days and hope the white chocolate mocha will save me too big of a lecture later.
“What do you mean there are no eggs?” I hear Grandma Rose saying to someone out back. Her voice sounds strained, and my stomach instantly twists in knots. “Ialwaysorder eggs. How am I supposed to run a diner without eggs?”
I step outside to join her, hoping to help solve this problem. Because surely, I ordered the required fifty-five dozen eggs. I can clearly see it on the list inside the navy blue binder. The one that is burned into my memory. Eggs are the last item.Dammit, dammit, dammit!By the time I got through the produce order, Garrett had his hand down my shirt. I must’ve forgotten the eggs because I was too distracted.
My heart plummets clear into my toes.
“I forgot to order them,” I admit to Grandma Rose, wilting at her disappointed expression.
Thisis why I spent the entire summer avoiding Garrett Bradley. It had little to do with constantly getting in trouble and everything to do with this brain-scrambling attraction. I knew if I gave in, I’d start messing up important things. I’d tank my chances of anyone taking me seriously. Of Grandma Rose ever consideringmeto be her successor.
“I’ll fix this,” I declare.
“The diner opens in ten minutes,” Grandma Rose says, hands on her hips. “I’ve only got a dozen eggs left. Do you know how many orders I can fill with twelve measly eggs?”
It’s taking all of my willpower not to erupt into tears. I force myself to focus on a solution. “I’ll be right back.Witheggs.”
I see the squad car pulling into the edge of the parking lot and steel my emotions. Damn the man and his irritating timing. The first piece of this solution equation is swearing off Garrett Bradley for good. No amount of amazing sex is worth risking my goals. Maybe Freya’s right. Maybe I just needed some wild hot sex to get him out of my system.
“Everything okay?” Garrett asks.
Damn the man and his stormy gaze. My lady bits tingle because they clearly haven’t gotten the message that we need to go back to hating him. “No, it’snot,” I hiss, careful to keep my voice low. “While you had your hand down my shirt yesterday, I apparently forgot to order eggs.”
“This,” I say, motioning with one finger to indicate us both, “is done. It was fun while it lasted. But it’s done.”
Garrett folds both arms over his chest, his pensive gaze and hint of a smile daring to call my bluff. Because he definitely doesn’t seem shaken, or the least bit deterred, by my words. Hell, he doesn’t even seem surprised.