Page 33 of Courted By Sin
We walk in the same direction that we arrived, glowing green fireflies cruising silently by as we hold hands through the trail. I never thought moving over dirty and cracked pathways would ever be so romantic, but I think with Lana, anything is.
As we move at a jaunty pace, eager with exquisite longing to once again become one, I catch the scent of something that isn’t the sweet scent of my date; something wretched, something reeking, almost rotting as it moves through the brush of the night air.
I grunt with annoyance, and Lana turns to me, eyes still swimming with a dozy consideration.
“Are you all right, Systorak?” she asks, sweetly as ever.
I squeeze her hand, feeling my mind flood with possible responses. She knows now that it is indeed the inheritance the demons of this realm are after. It certainly doesn't hurt that she is gorgeous, but ultimately, they thirst for wealth and status.
And I had just done not one but multiple things that are deeply frowned upon in this demonic society. I killed the assassin that was meant to hoist me into ethereal glory. Then I placed my feet upon the dance floor meant for only the most affluent of demon lords, pushing another out of the way to tango with the most sought-after bachelorette.
I don’t regret it, but I will regret putting Lana in harm’s way. So I take the easy way out to spare her the added layer of suspense.
“I have to go back for a bit, darling,” I say, stopping briefly on the path. “I have to make sure some of my other security members are in place. Alas, your enchanting body distracted me from my duties.”
Lana smiles up at me, so gorgeous, and slides her tongue along her bottom lip. I somehow resist the urge to bite it.
“That’s fine with me,” she whispers, moving in closer, running her hands down my waist and onto my thighs. “As long as you make it back in time to send my body back to the stars.”
My cock twitches as she runs her fingers over it beneath my pants. Fuck, she is captivating.
I take her hands and kiss them before turning back to the path, wanting to get her back to the tower before I begin my plan of redirection.
“I will never be late for that,” I reply.
Once Lana is safe and sound inside her tower, I make sure it is locked from the outside, and I slip the key into my pocket. Whoever has been following us can’t be too far. Their stench reeks, and they certainly haven’t put sufficient effort into masking it.
I could have tried to get some of the mercenaries that work for me to help protect Lana, but all of that seems to be a moot point now. I have betrayed multiple people, people with power, and it is unlikely that some other lowly demon like me is going to sign up to get their head axed.
So I follow the trail of decaying fish back along the trail, then merge into the small cluster of trees nearby. The demon who was following us isn’t very good. I sense him padding along the ground, his stench seeping into the soil.
I come across a shape in the dark, my eyes narrowing, able to see through the black naturally. I crawl onto all six of my limbs and pick up the pace, speeding toward him. Before I try to launch onto him, he whips around on his hind legs, hooves digging into the ground with desperation.
“Wait! Wait!” His voice screeches just as disturbingly as his rancid odor, and I stop in my tracks. I bare my fangs in the black, glistening off the slash of lightning that filters through the trees.
“Who are you?” I sneer. “Why are you following me?”
I am seriously considering breaking this thing’s neck without letting him answer, but he falls to his knees, long antler-like horns sticking out of his head and shaking with his limbs.
“Please don’t!” he screeches again. “I have a message for you. I swear. From Lord Egretz.”
The sound of that asshole’s name makes me growl, and I remain in my defensive stance as I watch this pitiful thing shake before me.
“Out with it then,” I roar.
He gulps, and I feel a quiver of empathy for a second. He seems inexperienced and likely young, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t lying to me.
“He wants to make a deal with you,” the demon says, voice shaking. “Lord Egretz will elevate you to a noble status if you help him in the betrayal of the woman. The woman you were there with tonight.”
I grunt, my fingers curling into the dirt beneath me. How dare that fucker think he can bribe me into getting rid of this incredible woman. There is no way I am doing that. I am utterly smitten, and no danger is going to come to her while I am around.
I crawl toward the demon, whose hands are in front of his face, shaking like a leaf. The flashes of lightning from the ever-present electric storm cast over his face briefly as I peer at
him, trying to read if his anxious disposition is a mask of sorts.
He is squinting, so I lightly flick at his hooves, and he cowers.
“Look at me,” I hiss.