Page 9 of Dark Mating
I’m different from the other berserker demons. I have known this for a long time. I think and feel differently from them.
I have intelligence that they do not possess. I can feel emotions in ways they can’t.
Even reading, my secret passion, is not something they can ever hope to do.
Living as a gilak demon and having a head full of dreams is a curse.
Maybe I would be happier if I had never picked up a book at all.
“Let’s spread out!” A fellow demon grunts, and we all agree. The citadel is large. It must have taken years to build the behemoth.
I wonder if the builders are still alive. Maybe after their intensive labor, the gods blessed them.
It’s a hope that we all have. That the Seven will take care of us after our labor in life.
I, personally, do not think so.
We are in the main hall of the citadel. As the other demons spread out, I slowly head over to a dark corner.
I’m the strongest, the fiercest, and the best fighter. No one else is willing to brave the dark like I am.
It’s tiresome sometimes. I do not always want to be brave. Sometimes I simply want to step away from the fight.
The other berserker demons enjoy the bloodshed. I do too. But more and more, I find myself tiring of it.
Small flames burst into life above my head, and I jerked backward. The lights were seemingly triggered by my movement.
Did that old mad demon consider that there might still be elves here? Did the King?
Or did they simply expect us to risk our lives for the tome?
I grit my teeth as I continued searching, though more slowly. The King has long proven that he doesn’t care about my life.
Or the lives of the other demons.
I’m unsure of his motives. I’m not exactly in the King’s inner sanctum.
No matter. I have no other options. This is the life chosen for me by the gods.
I have to accept it and move on.
The pull, when it comes, is strong enough to make me shudder in place.
What dark magic is this?That is my first thought. I look around frantically, reaching for my weapon.
There are elves around, I’m sure of it!
Something has reached into my chest and has closed around my heart. And now it’s dragging me away from the citadel.
I grit my teeth again, sinking to my knees. There are no cries of alarm coming from the other demons.
And those demons wouldn’t be able to keep still at the feeling of something squeezing their heart.
Have I come across some old curse? Something that has affected only me?
Whatever it is, it’s so strong and urgent that I can barely stand it.
It burns in my chest, and a shrill shriek rings in my ears.