Page 20 of Blaze
“Yes, that’s about the gist of it,” I laugh.
As we’re talking to one another, sirens are loud in the air. We look at one another with questions in our eyes. Neither one of us heard anything. Like any normal small town, we all make our way out of the bank, and gaze at what’s going on a few stores down. There’s a man laying out on the concrete, blood pouring from his forehead.
“What happened?” Someone asks as we stand there.
“He passed out and hit his head on the shelves at the hardware store. We called an ambulance, just in case.”
At that moment, the ambulance pulls up and out jumps the love of my life. I love watching him in the thick of things. He handles each situation with such authority and level-headedness. In these moments, I realize he’s taught me more about how to handle an emergency situation than my mother ever did.
He gets to work on the patient, and it’s obvious he needs help. He’s looking around for someone to do something for him. Proving just how different I am now, I run to him. “What do you need?”
His dark gaze warms. “I need you to hold this still,” he puts a bandage over the man’s chest. “I’m going to inject a needle. He’s got air in there, and we’ve got to get it taken care of. I’m losing him.”
“Okay,” I nod vigorously.
“I’ve called for more help, but they aren’t going to get here in time.”
“Do whatever you have to do,” I tell him. “I’ll be here.”
“Hold it steady, Lia.”
Closing my eyes so I can’t watch, I clench my teeth so I don’t move.
“Okay, we’re in, the air’s coming out and his vitals are looking better. Thank you, babe.”
“No problem.”
The other ambulance arrives and takes over, while I stand back. Just as Chance gets done, he’s stopped by a man I’ve never seen before. The man has his truck on a jack.
“Sure,” I hear Chance say. “I’ll help you.”
The two men go around the truck, and it looks like they go under together.
“Wanna go back inside?” Hayden asks.
“No,” I shake my head. “I’d rather stay out here.” Something makes me want to stay and watch.
Right as Hayden turns to leave, the truck slips the jack and falls to the ground. “Chance…” I scream, running towards where it fell at full speed.
“Slow down, slow down,”I put my finger over her lips. “I’m fine, we’re all good. Nothing is wrong with me.”
“I wasn’t sure. When the truck fell off the jack and I couldn’t see you, I was scared to death,” she pushes out on gusts of air.
“I know, and I’m here to tell you I’m okay. You don’t have to worry.”
“I’ll always worry,” she whispers. “Every single time you go out on a call, when I text you and you don’t answer, if I see the Bradford ambulance. I’ll always worry, but there’s something different now. I know that if something were to happen to you, I could make it.”
“You could always make it,” I grip her shoulders with my fingers. “There’s never been anything that was weak about you, Lia. It’s how you felt about yourself. Trust me when I say I never thought you’d be like your mom.”
“How do you know?” She questions, her dark eyes searching mine.
“When they brought you and Gavin in, they had his baby book and your journals. I read them. Probably shouldn’t have, but I had to know why you left and I wasn’t sure if you’d ever be able to answer those questions for me,” I frame her face with the palms of my hands. “Let’s go home.”
She nods, and together we head toward our respective vehicles.