Page 17 of Bear
My sister has always been the pretty one, while supposedly I got all the brains in the family.
I still wouldn’t trade her even if I could. I would rather be alone than a fake, brainless trophy wife.
Imust be getting tipsy on all the cheap champagne because Thane is starting to look really good tonight. Kissable. It’s likely because he said he wasn’t interested in me. Now I want to try and change his mind. Which is pathetic. He’s also blurry, thanks to my lack of glasses. Laurel must have stolen them from my nightstand last night, but when I confronted her about it, she just told me, “I’m sure they’ll turn up tomorrow.” I honestly don’t think the lack of lenses on my face does anything to enhance my natural beauty, no matter what anyone says.
I think I’m just feeling a little lonelier than usual seeing all the couples dancing together at the reception, looking at each other with big lovey-dovey eyes. Well, except for my sister. Dollar signs are all I can see in the bride’s eyes.
She’s always wanted a “grander,” “bigger” life, something morethan being stuck in a small town where a motorcycle club is the only real excitement.
Dancing is, sadly, the one thing Thane refused to do on our “date.” I’m not crushing on him, I swear – I just keep staring at him, trying to figure out my father’s angle for putting us together. Did he really think we would just “hit it off”? Why was he so worried about my plus-one?
I’m considering how to try and convince him to cave and at least walk around with me when a golden head catches my attention in the crowd. My squinting eyes stay with him until he comes into view – an unfamiliar, pretty boy. Like gorgeous in a model-perfect way. He looks sort of lost. Must be one of John’s nephews because he’s sort of familiar-looking…if I only had my damned glasses!
When I realize I’ve been staring for way too long, I turn my attention back to Thane. That’s when I realize that I wasn’t the only one captivated by the stranger.
Thane’s head moves whenever the blond moves, trying to get a better look at him around other people. It’s not a way I’ve ever seen a man look at another one. If I had any gay friends in town, I sadly wouldn’t know it. Nobody around here has ever come out of the closet.
The people in Clayton aren’t the most open-minded, but I’ve always thought people should be with whoever they want, whoever makes them happy.
Judging by the intensity with which Thane is focused, I have a guess about whom he wants. Thankfully, that brings a dawning realization that “not being his type” had nothing to do with my physical appearance.
“Who is that blond guy?” I ask Thane casually since I can’t get a good look at him.
“I don’t know, but he’s…”
“He’s what?” I ask when he trails off.
“Nothing. Sorry.” He appears to shake off his fascination and says, “Can I get you another glass of champagne?”
“Sure,” I agree, knowing full well that he wants to hit the bar, where the blond stranger is milling about.
Good for him.
Maybe he’ll get lucky tonight, just not with me.
As I expected, it didn’t take long to find out where the wedding was happening. As the sun was setting in the sky, RJ and I passed by the fairgrounds, where every car in the county was parked.
White tents have been set up in the field around an open area where a band is playing for the people dancing around under the strung-up lights.
It’s like some sort of hillbilly palooza rather than a wedding, but I’m certain we’ve come to the right place.
Our bikes don’t even look suspicious since there are so many other Harleys crammed into the makeshift parking lot on the lightly graveled dirt field just outside the front gate that surrounds the whole area.
“What kind of fair doesn’t have any rides?” RJ asks once we’re both off our bikes, removing our helmets.
“It’s not a fair. It’s a wedding.”
“Oh. Who got married?” he asks before it finally dawns on him. “No! You don’t mean…” He turns around in a circle, surveying the area. “Where are we, Bear? Please tell me this isn’t your ex-wife’s wedding. Are you going to object when the preacher asks?”
“No, and even if I was, I think it’s too late for that. The wedding has already happened. This is likely the reception going on now.”
“Then why in the world are we here? You think you’re going to catch the garter?”