Page 36 of Bear
My jaw clenched when Lyla just mentioned how she hypothetically could have been having sex with another man while lying next to me. We’re still naked, bodies flushed from when we were together. The last thing I want is to talk or think about her with someone else.
But I have no right to be jealous of that Thane guy who came to the door earlier tonight to make sure she got home safe or any other potential lover. After all, I haven’t forgotten the words Lyla said in the hallway. She made it very clear that this, us, wasjust for tonight.
It’s a little easier to push aside the thoughts of her with other men for now when I remember that she picked me to be her first. Why did she do that? How did I earn that honor?
“And you trusted me? You barely know me,” I remind her.
“I know, right?” Lyla agrees. “But I do trust you.” Poking her finger to my chest, she says, “You, Barrett Fulton, are a good man. You deserved better than my sister. You helped me tonight and stayed with me because you knew I didn’t want to be alone. You evengot stuck in a window trying to sneak in the house! So no, I won’t ever regret losing my virginity to you.”
“You say that now…”
“Let me try to prove it to you?”
“How?” I ask. She goes up on her knees, and her lips come down on my chest, moving lower one torturous kiss at a time. My cock twitches with interest in where she may be headed when I haven’t even had time to take the condom off yet.
“I really want to taste you,” she finally replies between kisses.
“You don’t have to…” I say to her because it’s the required nice-guy response.
But Lyla is not deterred by my words. Reaching down, she starts rolling the condom off, her gentle touch making me swell.
“It would’ve been fun to rub baby oil on you here,” she says, stroking me in her small hand once the rubber is off.
I groan and thrust into her fist. “Why didn’t I think of that?” I ask since it seems so obvious now. “I swear, Lyla, I haven’t had any interest in women or sex until I started unzipping your dress. It was like a switch was flipped, and bam…” Her hand lowers to my balls, giving them a squeeze, making me gasp so hard I nearly choke.
While my eyes are closed, her tongue licks a path up the side of my shaft.
“It’s my first time, so it might be bad. I’ve only seen it done in porn,” she says.
By the time I open my eyes again to reassure her that there’s no wrong way, she’s taking me into her warm, wet mouth.
Like a wet dream, Lyla sucks me hard and fast, making her heavy tits sway as she moans with every pass.
I’ve only had a handful of blowjobs in my life by two different women. It was nothing like this, more of an obligation.
This, Lyla, is a cock-sucking enthusiast.
I love that my dick is the first in her mouth. The only one, at least for tonight…
And right before I start coming down her throat, I can’t help butwonder how the hell I’m supposed to leave her and never look back after tonight.
As soon as I’m able to see and hear again, I sit up and pull Lyla onto my lap, straddling my waist, to kiss her lips, loving that she still tastes like me.
“Good?” she asks when we finally break apart.
“Good?” I repeat as I lie back down, bringing her with me. “‘Good’ isn’t the right word to describe that blowjob,” I tell her honestly. Reaching up, I tuck her hair behind her ear, unable to look away from her red, swollen lips. I want them wrapped around me again so badly my entire body aches. No, I want them anywhere I can get them. “Your mouth is a goddamn treasure.”
I bring her lips to mine, and our tongues explore each other’s mouths lazily while she’s draped over me, so damn sexy it makes the ache worse.
Noticing that I’m hard again, Lyla rubs herself over me and says, “I wish I wasn’t sore so we could do it again.”
“Oh hell, me too. I haven’t felt this good, this comfortable, with someone in so long,” I tell her honestly. I withhold the fact that it was never like this with her sister. Sex with Laurel was scheduled in advance, every move orchestrated entirely by her. While the end result felt good, the foreplay wasn’t anywhere as wild and desperate as it was with Lyla. And we never just lay around and kissed afterward. Laurel had things to do, places to be.
When Lyla finally pulls away and climbs off the bed, I’m ready to get on my knees and beg her to come back.
“Where are you going?” I ask instead as I stare at her sweet, sexy ass.
“Bathroom,” she says over her shoulder. “And I’m bringing back the baby oil.”