Page 69 of Bear
Either way, it was only physical. He doesn’t have feelings for me and has no idea I’ve been crushing on him since the day he met my sister.
I saw him first but was too shy to do anything about the attraction.
Laurel went for him immediately, of course, if for no reason thanto rub it in my face when she had a one-night stand with the sexy stranger.
But that one night turned into dating, and dating turned into a marriage proposal.
We were standing at the courthouse, with them saying vows before I could blink. I was still kicking myself in the ass on their wedding day, wondering if I hadn’t been so awkward if it would’ve been me and him becoming man and wife.
It was a stupid, silly teenage dream.
I still had a year of high school left. Our father wasn’t allowing me to even date back then. My sole social encounters were tagging along with my sister to group functions on the few occasions she would invite me.
Am I being an idiot now by pushing him away when he finally showed an interest in me, even if it was just for sex?
So, Barrett’s not perfect. He’s part of a motorcycle club that damages property and carries guns…
According to the police, if Thane hadn’t had his gun on him today and fired back at the gunman, he could’ve dragged me off to no telling where when I passed out. Apparently, once I blacked out, he dropped my dead weight, giving Thane a decent shot.
I came to on the pavement, with Thane bleeding to death while shaking me awake to make sure I was okay. All I could hear were sirens, and the rest was a blur of police and EMS.
A repetitive pinging sound suddenly goes off throughout the room, interrupting my thoughts. All of my dad’s guys check their phones like he just sent a mass text to them. Some respond. Some glance over at me.
I ignore the looks. If I had to guess, my dad probably told them not to let me out of their sight.
That’s why, when a room number appears beside Thane’s patient number, I stand up, and a dozen or more men are suddenly gathering at the door.
“I’m just going to see Thane!” I tell them. “It was my fault – hewas with me when he got hurt,” I remind them. “I want to see him first.”
“I’ll go with her,” Everett, one of the younger guys, offers.
I allow it, only because I know he wants to see Thane too.
I step into the surgical waiting room, which is empty other than a dozen or so men in leather glaring at me.
“Sorry. Just looking for Lyla.” I start to turn away when my eyes land on two familiar faces. “RJ? Jordan? What are you two doing here?”
“Ah,” RJ starts as the two get to their feet and exchange a glance.
Jordan says, “We were looking for you. We figured you would come by to check on Lyla, so we came over as soon as we closed up the shop.”
“Oh. Well, I didn’t even know Thane was shot until a few minutes ago.”
“I thought Lyla called you,” RJ says.
“She didn’t. Where is she?”
“One of her dad’s guys took her to Thane’s room.”
“She’s with one guy? One guy?” I repeat.
“They only allow two to visit.”
“You could’ve all gone up and stayed in the hallway!” I exclaim. “She’s in danger. Fuck. What room is he in?”
“Two-ten,” Jordan answers.