Page 99 of Bear
“Secrets always come out eventually.”
“This one can’t,” I tell him.
“Is there anyone else that can tell her?”
I nod, then take a long sip of beer. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I tell him, “Just her father. And he won’t saya word.”
“Then I don’t know what to tell you. How would you feel if someone kept something from you but told you it was for your own good?”
“I would hate it. I know that. Trust me, I get it. But that doesn’t change anything in this situation.”
“Then you may have to let her go.”
“What?” I exclaim.
“Sorry, man, but it sounds like you’re shit out of luck.”
“I don’t want to lose her. I can’t. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”
“Then you have to make a choice – hurt her with the truth or figure out how to live without her.”
“Both of those options suck.”
Before I swing by Bear’s, I drive over to Holly’s to tell her goodbye and vent a little.
I didn’t think much about the Harley in the town house lot at first until I realized it’s right in front of Holly’s door. Oh, and it looks just like my dad’s. The last thing I was expecting to find was a Harley in her driveway.
Please, god, no. Everyone in my life is keeping secrets from me. I’m not sure if I could handle my best friend lying to me too!
Maybe he’s just here looking for me.
Getting out of my car, I march up to the front door and bang my closed fist on it because it’s more therapeutic than ringing the doorbell.
When the door finally swings open, my father is filling it. Whenhe sees me, his eyes widen in surprise. It’s maybe the first time I’ve ever seen the man caught off guard.
“Lyla? What are you…”
“What are you doing at my best friend’s house?” I snap at him.
There’s a brief hesitation before he says, “I was looking for you after you stormed out of the bar! Where the hell have you been?”
Holly appears beside him and says, “Oh, good, you’re okay.”
“Oh my god. Stop with the lies! I’m so sick of being lied to by everyone I know! Now you’re gonna have my best friend lie to me too?”
“Isaac was looking for you,” she says. “He didn’t believe me when I said you weren’t staying here, so he busted into the town house to search it!”
Okay, that I can believe.
“I was just coming by to tell you I’m going to Atlanta.”
“Atlanta!” my father exclaims.
“If I get the job, then I’m moving down there.”
“No, Lyla. Don’t go,” he says.