Page 105 of Ruger
“The doc here stitched you up and put the gauze on over it, remember? He only had to shave off a little chunk of hair.”
“I’m missing a chunk of my hair? What the fuck?”
“Yeah, he’s going to be okay,” Remy says confidently to the doctor.
“I’ll go write up the release instructions,” the doctor says. “Just make sure he takes it easy for the next few days. If he experiences severe headaches that don’t subside with the prescription pain relievers, nausea, or vomiting, bring him back in.”
“Thanks, Doc,” my brother tells the man before he slips past the curtain that’s surrounding the entire cramped space.
When he’s gone, Remy steps closer to the bed and asks, “Doyou remember how you got here?”
I nod, but even that small movement causes the pain to increase. “Sort of. I woke up in the woods?”
“Before that?”
“Not sure. I think I was running?”
“You and Lyla were running from the fucker who was after her because he blew out the tires on the four-wheeler. He caught up and hit you in the head with something hard. Maybe his gun or a rock. At least he didn’t shoot you.”
“That’s good.”
A concussion should be a lot easier than a gunshot to heal from. I’m sure Thane would agree. After all, it’s been weeks, and he’s only just recently lost the paleness in his skin and felt like fooling around for hours.
Well, I definitely didn’t forget anything about Thane. Just the thought of his name brings up memories of his sinful mouth on me, making me moan before I come so hard…
“You shouldn’t be alone tonight. I’ll stay with you since Bear isn’t going to want to leave Lyla’s side,” Remy says with a heavy sigh.
“What? You don’t need to do that. What about…Avery?” It took a second, but I remembered his girlfriend’s name.
“She’ll understand,” he says as he pulls out his phone as if to text her.
“No, Remy. Seriously. You don’t need to stay with me.”
“You can’t be alone in case your head hurts worse or you start throwing up.”
“Bear is just a room over. He’ll hear me yell for help if I need him.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! I’ll be fine,” I assure him. “Besides, I won’t be alone. Thane will be there.”
Wow. In my head, I was telling my mouth to shut up before saying Thane’s name, but it didn’t listen. The words just sort of fell out on their own.
Remy stares at me silently while I rub the back of my head like that’ll make it work any better. In fact, it hurts worse when I get near the stitches. I can’t believe they cut a chunk of my hair!
“What?” I finally ask, bracing myself for Remy’s reaction to my blurted confession.
“The guy after Lyla is dead, RJ. Won’t Thane go back to where he came from?”
“Oh. I didn’t think about that.”
“Why do you care if he leaves? You look like someone shot your puppy.”
“I don’t care. And I don’t have a puppy, do I?”
“No, RJ, you don’t have a puppy.”
“But if I did, I would kill anyone who shot it.”