Page 130 of Ruger
“He wanted to know if you were back in town.”
“Oh yeah? And what did you tell him?”
“The truth.”
I nod while waiting for her to give me more RJ-related bread crumbs like a starving man. When she doesn’t, I’m annoyed and sad. “Is that all he said?”
“Yep. He wanted me to tell him if I found out where you’re staying.”
“What? Why?” I get to my feet so fast the flimsy chair falls over backward. “Never mind the why. Lyla, promise me you won’t give him this address.”
“What is going on, Thane? Do you think he would come kick your ass or something?”
“No. God, no. I’m not afraid of him,” I assure her while righting the patio chair.
“He said he wanted to apologize to you, so why can’t I give him your address here so he can do that?”
“I don’t know.” Thinking fast, I tell her, “Because he doesn’t have anything to apologize for. And you’re right. It’s a hellhole. I don’t want anyone to see me here in this dump.”
“You have options, Thane. You don’t have to stay here.”
“No, okay, just drop it and promise me you won’t tell him.”
She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance, but drops it. “And you’re okay not going back to Atlanta?”
“Like I have a choice?” I ask her with a grin. “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy, Ly.”
“You don’t look happy.”
“I’m smiling, ain’t I?”
“I wish you would tell me the truth.”
“There’s no truth to tell. Now, get back in your car and go crawl back in bed with your boyfriend since we both know that’s where you would rather be.”
“You’re right about that. See you soon?”
“We can go shopping or have lunch, hopefully without anyone shooting at us,” she says brightly as she walks around the car to the driver’s seat.
“Sounds fun, but you’re paying,” I tell her as I wave goodbye.
So RJ asked about me? Why does he care? I think he made his opinion perfectly clear on his voicemail.
* * *
The entire day is long and boring as shit since I’m all caught up at the shop and we’re closed on Sundays.
I may or may not have driven past the Devil Hounds clubhouse twice looking for Thane. His bike wasn’t in the parking lot either time, unfortunately.
Thane has invaded my thoughts all day. In fact, when my stomach starts to growl, I try to remember if I had anything to eat today and can’t.
Heading for the kitchen, I open the fridge to search for something to eat that won’t take much effort.
My head is still in there when I hear footsteps in the kitchen.