Page 17 of Ruger
“Yes, but he’s second on my list of concerns right now.”
Knowing Isaac, he’ll tell me what’s going on when he’s good and ready, but not a second sooner.
Lyla isn’t going to like having me around as a babysitter, but I don’t think her father would ask me to do it if he wasn’t seriously concerned.
* * *
In less than twenty-four hours, I’m back in Clayton after being told by Thane to stay away.
Despite how many beers I had before Remy’s girlfriend, Avery, drove us all home last night, it wasn’t enough to erase my memories of Thane.
He was, unfortunately, the first thing I thought about this morning.
And apparently, I’m not the only one who is thinking about someone they shouldn’t be.
Barrett didn’t get Jordan to bring us out here just to get our Harleys. He stopped by the Perrys’ house to try and see her, had a confrontation with her father when she wasn’t there, then “accidentally” ran into her in the fairground parking lot while I was working on his bike, which wouldn’t crank.
If it was all an accident, then Barrett wouldn’t be insisting on staying here with her.
“Remy told you to keep your dick away from her,” I remind him from the seat on my bike.
“How was I supposed to know we would be in the same place at the same time?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m not that stupid, bro. You went by her house hoping to see her there but got her father instead.”
“I swear that’s the truth. I don’t even have her number,” he says. “Okay, so I did have her number, but we didn’t make plans. I was going to stay away from her after talking to Isaac. This is just a happy coincidence, being here at the same time. That’s why I decided I don’t care what Remy or her father says. We’re going to hang out.”
“Bear, bro…” I start, but he holds up his palm to stop me.
“I need to do this. Lyla thinks…she got the wrong idea about last night because of her damn father. She thinks I was using her to get back at Laurel or something. I just need to clear the air. Remy doesn’t need to know.”
“Fine. It’s your funeral,” I mutter since it’s obviously a lost cause. “Do you want me to stay?”
“No. You can go back to town. I’ll be back when I get back.”
“Just be careful. If her father or one of his guys sees you with her in broad daylight…”
“I know. I won’t let that happen,” he says before he starts walking back to Lyla’s car.At the last second, he comes back to remove his leather cut and shove it in his saddlebag.
Smart. Although not wearing MC colors out here won’t keep his ass alive.
While I’m torn between leaving my brother and leaving, I decide it’s best to head back home.
I may not be able to stop thinking about Thane, but I don’t want to see him again.
At least he didn’t purchase anything with my debit card.
I just wish I could figure out why he stole my driver’s license.
Ihaven’t been able to sleep all week.
How can I when I keep seeinghimand reliving every second of that encounter whenever I close my eyes?