Page 23 of Ruger
“Yes, sir.”
“Then make it happen. The sooner, the better.”
“What about Lyla?” I ask him.
“Trey is with her now?”
“Yes, sir, and the prospects.”
“Then those three can handle her while you get this shit done.”
That sounds good to me. Kidnapping is going to be much more difficult than babysitting. But the fact that Isaac thinks he needs three guys to replace one of me to watch his daughter is the ego boost I need to get it done.
* * *
The next day, I get up and head straight to Rockland. Around eleven, I pull the van over on the side of the road about a block from the auto shop to sit and wait. When I showed up before, it was just RJ and the prospect in the garage. It doesn’t seem like anyone else is here today either.
All I have to do is watch and wait. Either the prospect will leave and I’ll follow him until I catch him alone, or RJ will leave and I’ll just walk right into the shop to grab him.
An hour later, I get option B, making this job a piece of cake.
Watching RJ come out and mount his Harley is so damn hot. I wait a few minutes after he leaves before I crank up the van and pull into the lot.
When I walk inside the office, the kid looks up from his phone at me, then does a double take, placing the device down on the counter.
“You again,” he says with a knowing grin. “RJ’s not here.”
I already knew this, of course. “Where is he, and when will he be back?” I ask for the hell of it as I lean my forearms on the counter. Doesn’t really matter. I just want to see how much of a hurry I need to be in.
“I don’t know.”
“Sure you do.”
“Maybe I do. Doesn’t mean I can tell you unless I have his permission.”
“His permission?” I repeat. “You and RJ are close, right? He’s your boss?”
“Yeah, and he’s my sponsor with the Savage Kings.”
“Oh yeah? How long you been prospecting?”
“Not long. A few weeks.”
“Is he a good sponsor?”
“Yeah, he’s the best.”
“The best, huh? You do everything he says?”
“You fucking him?”
The kid coughs out a laugh and leans back in his chair. “God, no!”
“You’ve thought about fucking him, haven’t you?”
“What makes you say that?”