Page 43 of Ruger
“Thank you,” I tell her.
The big guy steps away from us with his phone already up to his ear.
“Tell him I want to know why the hell he’s not here too!” Lyla shouts over to the man. “Sorry about that,” she says to us. “Why are you here?”
“We didn’t know who was shot…” I start.
“Thane,” she says. “It was Thane. He was shot once through the side when…there was a man following us. He tried to grab me and drag me away, but Thane shot him to stop him.”
“Who was it?” Jordan asked.
“I don’t know who the shooter was, but it definitely wasn’t the Savage Kings!” she tells the group of Devil Hounds.
“Is he okay?” I ask her.
“He’s in surgery, so we may not know much for a few hours.”
“Hours?” I repeat. “Can we stay and wait with you?”
“Ah, sure. Just try and put some distance between you and these guys. They’re more on edge than normal since one of their brothers was shot.”
“They’re all Thane’s brothers?” I ask in disbelief.
“No, not like biologically, but as part of the MC.”
“Oh. Right.”
“Pres says they’re not a threat but to keep an eye on them,” Meathead says to the others when he walks back over to us.
“Is he on his way here?” Lyla asks him.
“He said he’s got shit to take care of first.”
“Shit to take care of?” she says with a shake of her head. “One of his members was shot protecting me!”
“Pres says he’ll come by tonight after Thane’s out of surgery. It’s not like there’s anything to do here while we wait.”
“He should be here with us praying Thane makes it!” Lyla exclaims.
Thane is in surgery, fighting for his life. If he doesn’t pull through… The last thing I said to him was to stay away from me. I was angry he took Jordan and that he made me feel so…
“You okay, RJ?” Jordan whispers. “Breathe, man.”
When he says that, I realize I was holding my breath. It all comes out in a rush.
Jordan grabs my arm and tries to pull me toward the sliding glass doors at the front entrance.
“I’m not leaving,” I tell him.
“I know. I just thought we could get some air,” the kid says. “We’ll find you in the waiting room in a few,” he tells Lyla.
“Okay, sure. It was really sweet of you two to come. Ignore the grumps.”
Since fresh air sounds good, I let Jordan pull me outside, where we sit down on one of the empty benches in the smoking area.
“What’s going on with you, RJ? You’ve been clutching your chest since we left.”
I look down to find my fingertips pressing into that same aching spot and didn’t realize I was still doing it.