Page 60 of Ruger
“Summon. Like with magic.”
“You can’t magically make a chicken appear.”
“I know that. I was being sarcastic.”
“Yeah, well, thanks for nothing. And could you put a shirt on when you’re wandering around the house?” I blurt out, deciding to continue taking my anger and hunger out on him. After all, he’s the cause of it.
“Sure, I can.” Thane pushes his chair back from the table, causing the legs to make a god-awful screeching sound across the hardwood so he can stand up. “As soon as the giant hole in my side heals up.”
I get a good long look at his flat stomach, his cotton shorts riding low on his hips. Oh, and the big white bandage on his side.
I was so distracted by his nakedness and his eating all my food that I forgot why he’s staying here. Damn, I’m a dick.
“Shirts hurt your, ah, wound?” I point toward the area on his body.
“Nah, not really. But sometimes blood seeps through the bandage and stains my shirts, then they stick to me.”
The mention of blood makes me want to throw up. “Wow. Thanks. Now I’m no longer hungry,” I grumble before hurrying back to my room.
Guess I’m going to bed hungry and horny tonight.
Okay, so RJ obviously still hates me. What did I expect? That he would forgive and forget in the blink of an eye?
If I had known the leftovers were for him, I would’ve looked for something else to eat. But damn, I was starving. Lyla brought me breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then asked if I needed anything before she went to bed. I wasn’t hungry then. But then I just suddenly had a gnawing ache in my stomach like I hadn’t been fed in days, reminding me of when I was a kid. It must be my body trying to heal or make up for not eating much of the hospital food.
Either way, I won’t make the same mistake again with RJ’s leftovers.
On the way back to bed, my side starts throbbing.
Guess it’s time to pop another pain pill.
Maybe it’ll ease up once I lie down, and I won’t have to take anything.
My mom was a drug addict. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I could be susceptible to addiction. Ineverwant to end up like her.
That’s why I would rather have the pain than the pain reliever.
Unfortunately, maybe thanks to the pain, my dreams are filled with nightmares of shit I wish I could forget. I keep waking up sweating and paranoid.
It doesn’t help that I’m sleeping in someone else’s house with people I don’t really know.
And one of whom could at worst want me dead and at best want to kick my ass.
* * *
I didn’t think Thane could do anything worse than eat my dinner.
I was wrong.
When I get home from the shop around nine the next night, I’m dead tired and ready for a shower so I can go to bed. I got takeout for dinner at the shop since I knew I would be there late. But when I try to get into the hallway bathroom by turning the knob, the door is locked.
I haven’t had to share my bathroom with anyone in years. I forgot how much it sucked.