Page 73 of Ruger
“You are?”
“Shut up and pick a movie.” He’s grinning when he says that. Then, he grabs a few kernels of popcorn from the bowl between us and throws them at my face. I open my mouth just in time to catch one of them in it.
“Bet you can’t do that again,” he says as he grabs another handful.
Instead of watching a movie, we spend the next hour or so throwing popcorn at each other’s faces, and then, he invites me to come out with his family to celebrate his birthday.
“How are things going at home?”
“Fine. Why?” I ask Jordan between bites of lunch. Today, he went out and picked us up sub sandwiches piled high with meat and a few veggies that we’re eating at the wobbly table in the storage room.
“You and the sexy patient getting along?”
“I assume you’re referring to Thane. And yeah, I guess we’re getting along. We haven’t killed each other.”
“Have you done anything with him?”
I pause with my sandwich halfway to my mouth. “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, RJ.” He opens his mouth and mimes sucking a dick with his foot-long sub.
“No! Stop that! We haven’t done anything.”
“Well, I mean, we haven’t kissed or anything like that.”
He tosses his sub down and rubs his hands together to remove the crumbs. “So, what have you been doing with him?”
“Nothing. Just watching some movies.”
“That’s it? Just watching movies?”
“No. One night, we also went out on the four-wheeler.”
“Together? Both of you on one of them at the same time?”
“Yeah, we only have one.”
“Sounds cozy.”
“It wasn’t, actually,” I reply.
“Why not?”
“Okay, so Thane was on the back, and I was driving.”
“He was smushed against my backside, and I felt…he was…”
“Yeah. How did you know?”