Page 88 of Ruger
Shortly after the confrontation, I heard a bike crank and knew it was RJ leaving.
I have no clue where he went. Maybe to work because I showered, then waited and waited for the return of the motorcycle, unable to eat or think about anything else.
His absence made for a long, depressing day. I couldn’t even enjoy flashbacks of our night and morning together, knowing they wouldn’t ever happen again.
I was flipping channels, not really watching anything, when the sun went down. That’s when I heard a motorcycle coming toward the house.
It could be one of his brothers, but Bear and Lyla haven’t left today. Oddly enough, they’ve been working on some sort of project instead of screwing each other’s brains out for the past few hours.
Lyla still checks in on me, but since I’m up and around more, she doesn’t bother me as much.
I nearly strain my ears listening for footsteps when the front door opens.
Since they go to the bathroom across the hall, I know it’s RJ.
The shower turns on, making me wonder if he went the entire day with the remnants of my cum on him. If so, that’s sort of gross but kind of sweet in a weird way.
It feels like minutes turn into hours before the shower finally turns off.
The bathroom door opens…and he goes to his room, not mine.
I knew he wouldn’t come near me after running into his dad in the hallway this morning. Still, it sucks.
Turning off the television, I flop onto my side under the sheets to try and get some sleep. But the sheets still smell like RJ. I should’ve washed them to get rid of his woodsy and orange scent, but I’m apparently a masochist.
When I hear, “Psst, are you asleep?” I assume I’m hearing things. Then he comes closer, to my side of the bed, and says my name, making my lower body light up like the Fourth of July.
“I’m awake,” I tell him as I sit up and reach for the bedside lamp.
And there he is, blond hair damp and swept back from the shower, his blue eyes soft. Dressed in a soft white tee and plaid pajama pants, he looks delicious and smells like an angel from the forest.
“Hey.” I can’t seem to come up with any other words.
“Are you okay?” I ask when he just stands there.
“Yeah. Why?”
Guess we’re gonna pretend that whole ordeal with his father didn’t happen this morning. “Where did you go?” I ask instead.
“I went to work since I couldn’t spend the whole day in your bed.”
“Not with my brother and Lyla coming in and out.”
“Sure. Yeah,” I agree like that’s not surprising to hear.
“So, do you want me to stay or…”
“Of course I want you to stay,” I tell him. Throwing the covers back, I scoot over to make room for him, scared he’ll change his mind and bolt if I make him go around to the other side of the bed.
RJ walks away instead of climbing in. He goes to the door, but instead of leaving, he shuts it and locks it. Then he’s back next to the bed, removing his shirt. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out…lube. He places it on the nightstand, then shucks his bottoms before he slides underneath the covers.
I’m still sitting there in shock when he straddles my lower body. My mind is blown even more when his lips brush mine as he rests his hands on my shoulders, connecting us from the neck down.
“This okay?” he asks when he’s fully seated on my dick.