Page 97 of Ruger
Bear nods. “Yes, if all goes according to plan. The Devil Hounds will be spaced out all over town and in the neighborhood as backup in case anything happens before I get back to the house with Isaac, Remy, and Colt.”
“So, you’re going to pretend to leave Lyla home alone so the kidnapper will try to go in the house and snatch her?” Colt asks.
“That’s right.”
“Sounds risky,” Hugo tells our younger brother.
“I know, but Isaac doesn’t have a better idea since none of his men have been able to find the son of a bitch since he was shot. He’s either dead, or he’s still out there. Would it be better to wait around and risk him breaking into the house one night, taking out me and RJ in our sleep to grab her?”
“No,” I say since he left out Thane. If Thane and I were messing around, we wouldn’t hear or notice some asshole breaking in.
“I guess your plan is less risky than being caught off guard,” Remy agrees. “I’m in.”
“Me too,” Colt agrees.
“I’ll be wherever you need me,” Hugo says.
“RJ?” Bear asks.
“You know I’m in. I won’t fuck it up,” I promise him.
“When will this be going down?” Remy asks.
“Soon. Once I’m certain we’ve thought of everything, I’ll tell you what night,” Bear explains. “Thanks, everyone. I’ll owe you one.”
“Yeah, you will,” Remy agrees. “If anything happens to me or Colt, you’ll have Avery and Josie to deal with.”
“They might be scarier than your kidnapper,” Colt teases with a grin.
“You’ll be fine,” Bear says. “And then Lyla will finally be safe.”
Remy gets to his feet and says, “Can we adjourn now?”
“Yeah, I’ll be in touch.”
Relieved to get to the fun part of the night, I go straight to my room. The door is locked, which means Thane must be inside. Reaching up to the top of the doorframe, I find the key pin to push through the hole to unlock and go inside.
“What was that about?” Thane asks from where he’s stretched out, looking relaxed on my bed, wearing nothing but shorts. He could have underwear on underneath, but probably not. If he lifted his leg, I could probably see all the goods. Goods that I’ve had in my hands or mouth or both every night.
“Bear’s got a plan to catch the guy who came after Lyla.”
Thane sits up. “The guy who shot me?”
“Yeah. You could’ve killed him. I guess this plan will be a test to see if he’s still out there by using Lyla as bait.”
“Lyla’s been mostly holed up here for weeks, so she’s been safe,” he says. “Your brother is going to dangle her in public to see if he bites?”
I remove my cut and fold it to place it on the corner chair, then pull my shirt over my head. “I think that sounds like the plan. He’ll take her out to Clayton, then back here to make him think she’s home alone.”
“I’ll be here with her?” Thane asks as he watches me undress. The crotch of his gray cotton shorts gets tighter when I take off my pants.
“No. I think Bear wants it to look like she’s home alone. He said you’ll be over at the motel, safe and sound with Hugo.”
“But how will he make sure Lyla’s safe?”
“We’ll all be spread out.”
“Where will you be?”