Page 41 of Visiting the Variks
Sky ran a hand through his perfectly styled blond hair. “Probably not. This is more of a precaution, particularly since it seems to be very aware of you and wants to interact. In some rare cases, ghosts have become violent when they are ignored. I want to make sure you’re safe until I can inspect the situation.”
Gideon lifted his head and smiled broadly at Ryder. “Yeah, I’m safe.”
At one time, that was all Ryder had wanted in this world. Now that Gideon was right here, staring at him with those big, beautiful eyes of his, Ryder wanted more.
Talking to Sky had left him feeling better about the ghost situation.
At least, that was after he stopped freaking out about that hand that rose out of the fucking table and stole Maddox’s beer.What the hell kind of minion was that?
Nope. He didn’t want to know. The world was weird and scary enough without thinking about witches going around with minions that could reach through tables.
It sounded as if his ghost problem was going to be settled soon.
Which meant he needed to get his Ryder problem on solid ground.
All in all, Ryder had the boyfriend thing down pat. The man was sweet, attentive, and protective. But he’d been all of those thingsbeforetheir first kiss.
And other than some stolen kisses here and there, Ryder could be mistaken for treating him like a little brother. Gideon wanted to bedesired.
Fuck it.
Honesty time: He was horny, and he wanted Ryder to fuck him through the mattress. He wanted to be stretched, filled, marked, and fucked so thoroughly that he couldn’t walk the next night. He wanted to call in to work because his ass needed more recovery time.
How was he supposed to explain that to the formerly straight guy he was dating?
Sure, I love the sweet, slow stuff, but Ineedto be plowed.
Seduce him.
He needed to seduce Ryder.
But how the fuck did he do that? The man watched him dance nearly naked in a cage five nights a week. And that was some sexy shit.
For half a second, he considered Ethan’s broken shower suggestion but shoved it aside. He didn’t want to break anything in Ryder’s place. Was Netflix and chill still a thing? Or maybe he could introduce Ryder to that one BL show he watched with Ethan? Parts of that were like watching porn.
He frowned at the phone in his hand. Should he text Ethan for suggestions?
No, that was a bad idea. He’d probably tell him to crawl into Ryder’s lap wearing nothing but a sparkly butt plug and a smile. When he packed a few things to have at Ryder’s, he hadn’t grabbed any of his toys. That was not the kind of thing he wanted to go back for, then try to explain to Ryder. His face was heating thinking about that conversation.
His head snapped up to find Ryder standing in the open doorway to the bedroom, his brow furrowed in concern. It was only at that moment he realized he’d gone in there for a pair of socks like thirty minutes ago and gotten utterly lost in thought…about sex and Ryder.Wonderful. Freaking wonderful.
“Everything okay?” Ryder prodded.
“Yep. Everything’s fine. Just…um…catching up on a couple of texts,” he replied, waving his phone at Ryder. Well, they were mental texts that he wouldnotsend because Ethan’s suggestions would get him into more trouble than he wanted.
“You’re not worried about the ghost? Or that witch?”
“Nah! Sky sounds like he can totally handle the ghost, and Fox promised to be here for the consult. It’ll all be fine.”
Ryder crossed the room and lifted a hand, pushing some strands of hair from where they’d fallen across his forehead. “Are you sure? You have these worry lines right here.” Ryder rubbed his finger between his eyebrows as if he were trying to smooth them away. All Gideon could think about was putting that finger in his mouth and sucking on it until Ryder got hard and moaned his name.