Page 44 of Visiting the Variks
Ryder huffed an exhausted laugh. “Porn and Reddit are good at answering questions. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that our boss doesn’t filter what comes out of his mouth.”
Gideon snorted. “I’m telling him you said that.”
“Why? He already knows and takes pride in it.”
Gideon hummed his agreement. It was the truth. Rafe loved to shock people, and it meant that some very revealing and strange things came out of his mouth. He’d slowed a little since he’d fallen for Philippe, but it only meant that he found new ways to shock and entertain people.
“We should probably jump in the shower or we’ll be stuck together,” Ryder said, though he didn’t move a single muscle.
“Just another minute. I’m so comfy.”
“What if I tell you that I want to wash every inch of you clean and make you dirty all over again?”
Gideon placed his hands on Ryder’s shoulders and shoved upright. “I’ll go heat the water!” he announced, earning the most wonderful bark of laughter from his man.
Ryder was his now, and he was never letting go.
Sky appeared on their doorstep right on time, three nights after their initial meeting at Phoenix. The gold vest was gone, and in its place was a sky-blue one with birds in flight stitched into it. His golden-blond hair was perfectly styled, and he was every inch of the word dapper. In his left hand, he carried a battered leather case that resembled an old-fashioned doctor’s bag.
Instead of taking him up to Gideon’s place, Ryder showed him into his own condo. In all fairness to the man, there were some introductions that needed to be completed.
When they walked in, Fox and Gideon sat on the sofa, chatting animatedly about a new spell Fox was working on. Winter stood, his shoulder braced on the wall, and his arms folded lightly over his chest.
“Fox! It’s so good to meet you in person finally,” Sky exclaimed as he entered the room. Both men rose from the sofa and offered friendly waves. “Gideon, I hope the ghost hasn’t been troubling you too much.”
Gideon shook his head. “No, I’ve been living here with Ryder. She apparently hasn’t discovered the first-floor condo yet.”
Winter cleared his throat across the room and Fox winced, dipping his head and raising his shoulders like a turtle trying to shrink into his shell.
“Um…Sky, I was talking to Gideon about your meeting at Phoenix, and it’s been brought to my attention that there’s something I’ve not told you about me that I should.” As Fox spoke, he walked over to stand beside Winter, who straightened from his lean. “This is my boyfriend.”
Sky lifted one eyebrow and looked over at Gideon and Ryder, as though he were wondering what the punchline or problem was. “Do you think I’d have a problem with you being gay?”
Fox frantically waved his hands in front of him. “No! No! That’s not it. This is my boyfriend, Winter Varik.”
Ryder watched the witch’s face turn a sickly white as he sank to the floor. He stepped up and guided Sky over to sit on the couch while Gideon took the place next to him.
“Winter Varik. Holy shit. That’s Winter Varik. I’m in the same room as Winter Varik. I’ve been talking to his boyfriend, and now I’m gonna die.” Sky’s words rushed from his lips in an almost breathless whisper of panic.
“No! Of course not!” Fox exclaimed. He turned to his loving boyfriend and slugged him on the shoulder. “Stop being creepy! Everyone knows you’re the coolest of the Variks. Go be nice! Please.”
The chilly façade that Winter held in place melted at that soft “please” and he wrapped his arms around Fox’s narrow waist, pulling him in close. “You’re the only one who doesn’t think I’m creepy, babe,” Winter replied, taking a second to nuzzle Fox’s jaw.
“Your brothers don’t think you’re creepy. Just annoying,” Fox grumbled, but his body language was shifting into full cuddle mode. Ryder nearly rolled his eyes. This happened every time he attended a meeting with all the Variks. The brothers would snipe at each other, but become absolute puddles of goo with their mates.
Was he any different now, though? If Gideon batted his enormous eyes at him, he’d be at his side in a flash, pulling him into his arms.
After a quick kiss to Fox’s throat, Winter released his boyfriend and turned his full attention to Sky, who seemed as though he’d rather be pretty much anywhere else in the world.
“I’m sorry we haven’t met sooner. I asked Fox to keep his clan a secret for now. The Varik name carries a unique weight in our world. I want to be sure people aren’t going to use him to get close to the clan,” Winter apologized.
“Ha. Yeah. Totally get it. Ha. Gotta protect your boyfriend,” Sky choked out. His voice was higher pitched than normal, and he still sounded as if he were contemplating running out of there.