Page 54 of Visiting the Variks
“Evil man. You’re so evil,” Gideon mumbled.
Ryder grinned at him. “I might be evil, but I’m your evil. And I’ll always be yours.”
“Yes, you are.” He was pulling Ryder close for a kiss that would hopefully lead them to being undressed when a strange thought occurred to him. “Wait! There’s something you haven’t told me yet!”
Ryder jerked away, his brow furrowing and his eyes turning serious. “What?”
“If we’re mates in love and living together now, shouldn’t I know what your special gift is?”
Ryder sighed heavily and sat up. This wasn’t good! Gideon didn’t want to lessen his chances of getting railed so hard he could taste his soul on his tongue. He propped himself up on his elbows and gazed at his lover, telling his hard cock to settle itself. This was bothering Ryder, and he needed to be serious.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine,” Gideon said. “I never meant to upset you.”
Ryder stared at him, his eyes narrowing slightly for a heartbeat before widening again. “Twenty-nine years, seven months, three days.”
“What?” Gideon choked out while his brain raced to make sense of that time period.
“That’s my gift,” Ryder grumbled. The poor vampire appeared utterly dejected. “I can glance at any vampire and know precisely how long they’ve been a vampire.”
“Boring,” Ryder finished for him.
Okay. He had to agree. That was a little boring. Guess all the vampire powers couldn’t be interesting and scary, like the Varik brothers.
“It’s useful,” Gideon attempted, which only earned him a skeptical glare. “It is. The older the vampire, the more powerful they usually are. I’m sure Rafe has made use of your gift more than once.” Gideon shoved up and climbed into Ryder’s lap. “Besides, you’re already big and scary and insanely strong. It wouldn’t be fair to the rest of us if you could also fly or become invisible or shoot fire from your fingertips.”
One corner of Ryder’s mouth twitched. “So, it’s a fairness thing?”
“Definitely.” Gideon stole a kiss and grinned at him. “Do you want to see something really unfair?”
Twisting in Ryder’s lap, Gideon threw out his left hand toward the open space in the living room, and the air was filled with golden sparkles like glitter was raining from the ceiling.
“What the…” Ryder breathed. His eyes were wide, and he looked utterly mesmerized by the display.
“That’s it. I can create sparkles,” Gideon said, so completely unimpressed with his gift.
“I’ve seen that some nights where you’re dancing, but I always thought it was something Rafe rigged up. I didn’t know that was you.”
Gideon cuddled close, his cheek pressed to Ryder’s as he stared at the sparkles as they dimmed. “I use it when I’m in a great mood or if the crowd vibe is amazing. I’ve also used it as a distraction to get away from evil people, but that was a long time ago. Thanks to you and Rafe and Lola, my sparkles are for fun now.”
“They are the perfect power for you,” Ryder murmured. His arms wrapped around him tightly. “You bring light and beauty to the world with your smile.”
Gideon giggled. “And with my sparkles.”
* * *
I’ve got a surprise.
More vampires are coming!
Yes, I am working on a spin-off of the Lords of Discord called the Kings of Chaos. This is a new vampire clan that is coming into the Variks’ territory to find a clan member who was stolen from them.
They will be a very tight-knit found family, bringing their own brand of bickering and brotherly devotion.
The first book -Two Thousand Dreams- is up for pre-order. Right now it is slated for November release, but I’m hoping to move it up to the beginning of fall. Lock in your copy now and don’t miss a second of the action and romance!
The Varik Family History