Page 13 of Just Fur Tonight
I pay for the snack that I’ll probably just give to Veronica. She likes weird stuff like raisins. Gabriella places the pastry in a crisp white paper bag with a bright pink ribbon tying it off. She slides the bag over the counter towards me, and I can’t help but notice she is careful not to touch my hands.
Fred’s warnings are now alarm bells in my head. I guess she’s done with me. The realization stings like a silver bullet through the heart. “See you around, Gabriella,” I say, showing myself out of the cafe.
“Have a nice day,” she replies in a sing-song customer service style voice.
So that’s it then? Even the friend zone would be warmer than that entire interaction. I wonder what’s gotten into her. Is she just sick of me? Is she planning to leave soon? She did say the cafe’s finances weren’t doing so great. Maybe she’s planning to cut her losses and go back where she came from.
Maybe this place, maybe even I’m not worth it to her.
I don’t hear anything from Gabriella over the next several days. Evenjust friendstreat each other better than this. Maybe Fred was right.
The thought sends a shiver up my spine.
Istart to get ready for the day, glancing at myself in the mirror. I don’t understand why but a bit of shame starts to make itself known. I hate the feeling. It’s like there’s a beacon on my head that can be seen through the walls of my home.
With a sigh, I chose to ignore the growing anxiety in my chest, turning on the shower. The water heats up and I hop in, a noise of contentment slipping through my lips as the warmth relaxes my muscles.
Going through my usual routine, I pick out a simple dress to wear. It’s a solid blush color and it's flowy. I love the way the fabric wraps around my body like soft silk. I grab a white shawl to cover my shoulders and add a pair of white ballet flats to match it.
It’s one of my favorite outfits and I thought putting it on would help mitigate the sensation that's still weighing heavily on my chest. It does little to push the sensation of guilt crawling like ants over my mind.
When I glance into the mirror I can’t help the thought that stops me in my tracks.
I wonder if Chet would think I look cute. Maybe I could wear this on a date with him.
It all clicks in my head the second I think of his name. This whole time I’ve been relying on him. I truly enjoy his company but what if I’m bothering him? What if he feels obligated to hang around me just because I’m only really comfortable with him?
Sure there are others in this town that I think I get along with well enough like Veronica and Carloyn but it’s not the same as when I’m with Chet.
With him, it feels like I can do anything and be myself around him, I’m not worried about being judged or glared at. I don't like depending on anyone but myself because I don't want to be a burden and with how sweet Chet is, I doubt he’d tell me if I was legitimately bothering him.
I decide while I’m hopping into my car that I like him too much and that’s a problem. One that I have to fix before it’s too late. It doesn’t feel right to drag him around at my beck and call. I need to be more considerate. I’m being too needy.
With that, I make my way to work, my new resolve heavy on my shoulders but it’s for the best.
I spend the day thinking about ways to avoid Chet. It makes me anxious and my heart races whenever I catch a glimpse of him walking past the store. We don’t make eye contact, mostly because I avoid looking at him, but it still makes me feel a certain type of way.
Without much thought, I end up walking into the cafe. Renovations are complete but business is slow. The townspeople didn’t exactly seem excited with the changes I’ve made. It hurts a little bit since I sunk so much time and money into the place but my hope is that eventually they’ll become used to everything and be more willing to come in for a pastry or cup of coffee.
Slipping on my apron, I make my way to the back, preparing a quick batch of fresh chocolate chip muffins and bringing out the blueberry scones that were shipped from another local bakery this morning.
The bakery is definitely one of the best around and I really want to solidify a deal with them. A deal would mean fresh pastries delivered to the store each morning and if I were to run out of a high demand item I could just call them to send some more.
Lilah, the owner of the baker, seemed weary of me at first but she slowly warmed up to me. I love visiting her shop, it has such a warm open vibe to it that I wouldn’t mind working there if I wasn’t here. The smell of honey and cinnamon stick to the store and it makes my mouth water thinking about it.
Lilah herself smells just like her shop. Whenever I see her, she’s always covered in some type of cookie or cake batter, her sandy blond hair pulled into a tight bun and her burgundy eyes look tired yet content.
When I first walked in, she had a defensive vibe to her but as we talked, the more friendly and motherly she became. I know the deal would benefit both of us but even with her friendly demeanor, I don’t want to push a business partnership so quickly.
I want to really gain the trust of the townspeople, I want to fit in here.
I laugh as Verionica places her hands on her hips, glaring at Dylan and Carolyn. “You can’t just cross the street whenever you feel like it! There are rules for a reason.” He groans as he watches Carolyn walk on the edge of the sidewalk.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” She snaps and turns towards the street like she wants to dash across. The road is empty and we haven’t seen a car in at least an hour but there’s a shopping center we’re getting close to and Carolyn doesn’t seem to have the patience to wait much longer to cross the street.