Page 2 of Just Fur Tonight
“That’s very neighborly of you,” I reply softly, turning from the window to look back at him. Our eyes lock again, and something seems to spark between us; a primal, unconscious ignition that I’ve never felt from anyone before.
The shadows seem to embrace us, and I realize I am standing in a darkened cafe with a sexy stranger in the middle of the day. A cafe that looks like it’s better suited for a house of horrors, rather than off the town square. As if he realizes the same thing, Chet steps back and coughs out some dust and I’m lucky the shadows hide my blush of embarrassment.
“Sorry about the mess,” I apologize automatically, knowing he has probably seen the cafe in better condition than this. “I’ll probably get started on renovations right away.”
“Renovations, huh?” Chet seems to grow thoughtful at my statement. “Well you’re the boss now, Ms. Perez. If you need any help with any supplies or anything at all, feel free to ask or even come by. Like I said, I’m happy to help.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.”
I did keep it in mind, over the next few days. I mulled Chet Wilson’s offer over in my head, when I wasn’t busy throwing myself into cleaning and repairs. Okay, so maybe I thought less about the offer, and more about the man who made the gracious offer himself.
But the work kept me busy enough. I needed to see space cleared, and get a list of all the damage I would need to fix, so I got started with that right away. I set about cleaning all the dust and mold my great-aunt had been too old to get to herself, and set about turning the weathered cafe into a modern, updated place that was whimsical and beautiful.
A few days into my ‘deconstruction,’ Chet returns. A rap on the door alerts me, and remembering the coughing fit last time someone had stepped across this threshold, I only hold the door open a crack. Chet’s wide smile glances through, and sunlight glints off the cellophane wrap of the freshly-made sandwiches he holds.
My mouth is salivating, for more than one reason. “Good afternoon, Mr. Wilson. What brings you by?”
“Oh, just checking on my neighbor,” he says breezily, his playful smile making his eyes twinkle. “Call me Chet anyways, Mr. Wilson just sounds too formal, don’t you think?”
“Only if you call me Gabriella – or Gabriella if you want,” I return playfully, then blush deeply when I realize how flirty I sound.Dios mio, I sound like one of those girls that giggle excessively. “So, uh, how are things at the store?”
“Slow enough for me to stop by and see how you were getting on,” he replies, waving a wrapped sandwich. “I’ve also brought refreshment, of sorts. It’s not much, just a sandwich or two, if you’re into that sort of thing.”
“Please and thank you. I’m not the kind of girl to turn down a good sandwich. Or free food, for that matter.” He laughs at my comment, a throaty, full sound, and passes the food in question into my outstretched hand.
My hand disappears back into the darkness of the interior, and Chet raises an eyebrow, although he’s still smiling. “So as the friendly neighbor who has now plied you with food, do I get a sneak preview before re-opening?”
“Aah, I’m not so sure just yet,” I respond nervously, anxiety ratcheting up. “I’m still doing a lot of repair work, so a bunch of the area is ripped up and mangled.” I also wouldn’t want him getting a cotton lung from all the dust and whatever else I’ve managed to stir into the air since I started this project.
A flash of disappointment almost seems to cross over his features, but it’s gone as quickly as it appeared. “Alright then, I get it. Safety first. My offer to help still stands though, even if it’s just for an extra set of hands.”
“I appreciate it, and if it starts to be too much, I’ll let you know, Chet. Really. But for now, I’m enjoying the challenge.”
“Well I won’t keep you from it, just wanted to make sure you were doing okay,” he answers, before leaning close. “Maybe I also wanted another excuse to talk to you, Gabriella.”
Before I can respond, he’s already pulled back, and is turning to slip back to his general store. The way he says my name sounds like purring in my ears.
“Whew.” I huff out a breath as I watch Chet jog back to his store, jeans stretching delightfully. “Maybe they were on to something when they said, ‘Love thy neighbor.’”
Veronica barely spares me a glance upon my return, from her perch at the front counter, more focused on her latest issue of the Science Journal. What sunlight there is glances off her wheat-colored locks, as she absently flicks another page.
“So it looks like I don’t need to call in the cavalry, after all. Although the odds of a burglar trying to actually get away in a moving van were slim,” she offers unhelpfully. Brushing her off, I stride back to the office, where the weekly numbers await.
They’re the same numbers from ten minutes ago, and I need to turn my focus back on my business. I definitely don’t need to be thinking about the new neighbor with the violet-scented shampoo, and delectable innocence.
“Who was it then? Someone from the bank?” For all the nonchalance my shopkeeper affects, Veronica is just as interested as anyone else in this town. My assistant has already set down her magazine, getting ready to follow me into the office.
The last thing I need is for Veronica Moore, with her pointed observances, to see exactly how affected I am by our latest arrival. I was over there for less than ten minutes and I could barely keep my hands off of Gabriella Perez. Meanwhile, a broom over by the front door falls over, as if on its own accord.
“She’s Maria’s younger niece from her family in the city. Maria left the place to her, so now she’s here,” I explain. The bell tinkles musically as the front door opens, with Mr. and Mrs. Murphy arriving for their weekly order.
Veronica’s blonde head pops into view a moment later, complete with an arched eyebrow. “New blood? The town’s gonna be all over that. And what’s the new girl’s name anyway?”
“Oh? Has someone new come to our humble village?” Mrs. Murphy chirps happily, already fluttering down the aisle. I withhold a groan, and Veronica moves to assist by actually gathering Mrs. Murphy’s order, while Mr. Murphy leans against one of the support beams and glares at me openly.