Page 23 of Just Fur Tonight
It actually takes more than simply the gardener to enact my plan. I also involve several townsfolk, including Fred, who has also quickly become a champion for ‘Team Perez’. My girl and my best friend have become fast friends, and as Gabriella’s sewing improves under the watchful eye of the sewing circle, she has often come to Fred’s rescue, stitching back on a stray pinky finger or ear that accidentally fell off.
Fred spends the day showing her some of our old haunts, while I corral Alecto and the others into helping me with my plan. They all groan and complain good-naturedly, and we get to work, either drilling, planting, or coordinating. I have Chris and Carolyn meet Gabriella and Fred on the edge of town with special instructions, while I make sure everything is ready and perfect.
Gabriella never disappoints. As per instructed, she shows up to the cafe that evening, gorgeously dressed and lightly made-up, thanks to the efforts of the sewing circle. She’s eager to see the work we’ve done, and while I am certain she will be pleased, I have no idea how she will react to the other surprise I have in store.
When she steps into the cafe though, her face immediately transforms, overcome with unabashed delight. Instead of the wide floor space she had grown accustomed to, the bistro tables are now arranged artfully around a young, but large Japanese maple tree, whose leaves have just begun to transition from summer green to the incredible autumn red that they are famous for.
The tree is solidly planted in a carefully cut floor, and stretches high up into the roof, where I’ve spent the better part of the day installing a skylight that will allow it to grow safely indoors.
The tree itself is an arboreal masterpiece, lined with rice-paper lanterns that seem to float in the branches. This is the only light in the room, besides the carefully placed jars around the room. Gabriella takes in the scene, and as if on cue, all the jars carefully unscrew by invisible hands, to release hundreds of fireflies into the cafe, filling the space with dots of golden, glowing light.
Her gasp of delight turns to one of shock when her eyes finally land on me, half-shifted in a nice button-down, and lowered to one knee. Her hands fly to her face as I pull out the last gift of the evening, a small, weathered box that fits in my palm. “Gabriella,” I call softly to get her attention, not that I need to, as her laser focus is on me.
“My grandmother, who was the matron of our pack, came over here from the Old Country with her tribe many years ago, with only her jewelry as her valuables.” I begin the tale, remembering what I’ve practiced saying in my head all week. “When she died, she was buried with all her necklaces and rings, all save for this one, which she gave to me.”
As I open the box, her eyes grow even bigger, and I hide a small smile at her reaction. Inside is a large ring, with a pendant-sized orange sapphire, set in an antique gold casing, encrusted with tiny opals, topaz, and aquamarine. I’ve never seen any other ring like this heirloom, and I hope it’s enough to impress Gabriella, who actually has seen more of the world than this tiny town I’ve always known.
“When she was dying, she left me with a story and instructions. She told me this ring was once a gift from a queen, who had given it to her for a service rendered, and as such it was the most valuable thing she ever owned. Nona said that this ring should also be the most valuable thing I ever own, in the tradition of our people.”
“More important than that though, she instructed me to only keep it until I found love, which was made from the heavens to endure, like the stones on this ring, and just as rare.” My voice is soft now, and Gabriella is standing so close. “When I found a love like that, I was to give this ring away, in order to understand its true value.”
I look up at her, to find tears swimming in her eyes, and although I instinctively want to reach for her, I know I need to finish with the most important part. “I understand now, because I’ve found a love that has been able to endure beyond misunderstandings and obstacles that would’ve sent others running.”
“I understand because I’ve found you, love, and I want to spend the rest of my days with you, seeing this ring on your finger. So, Gabriella Maria Perez, will you marry me, so we can spend every day together, letting our love grow and endure, like this tree and this ring?”
“Chet,” she breathes my name, as if too overwhelmed to speak. “This is… oh my… I mean, I can’t believe it, but—yes!Oh my god, Chet Wilson, of course I will marry you!”
Then she’s in my arms, and we’re entwined round one another like roses on the vine, kissing and laughing between presses. There’s a raucous applause from the kitchen as the town helpers break out of their hiding spots, rushing forward to wish us congratulations.
Sneaky, nosy neighbors that they are. I told them to go home while Gabriella was getting ready, but it’s clear they couldn’t be bothered to listen. As Gabriella keeps kissing delightfully at my neck, I find I can’t be bothered to care, laughing and smiling at all their well-wishes. Quietly, I slip the ring onto her finger, and we both rise from the ground, with the help of all our overbearing friends.
“What kind of wedding will you have?” Veronica starts in on asking.
“I think it should be a kind of fusion theme, like a mix-up of fairy tale and monster madness,” Gabriella laughs, then turns to me. “What do you think, husband?”
Leaning down close to her ear, I whisper hotly. “Keep calling me that, and we’re gonna give our friends a show they weren’t expecting.” Then I pull back to steal a glance at her bright blush. “I think that’s a fantastic idea, love. Whatever you want I’ll be happy with.”
“You should have your wedding on Halloween,” Carolyn suggests.
“No way, they should have a Christmas wedding, so the colors can be red and white! I have just the perfect cake idea for that too,” Lilah adds.
“Ugh, if they do it on Christmas, then they’ll have to deal with that awful Santa Claws. He’s the real monster,” Victoria adds. To which everyone seems to collectively shudder.
Gabriella looks around, confused and taken back a little. “Wait, are you guys saying that Santa Claus is actually real?”
“Alight everyone, we’re calling it a night!” I yell loudly, steering Gabriella toward the door. I toss Veronica the keys, and we both walk out, leaving the rest of Curiosity’s finest to debate the merits of having a wedding in a mausoleum as opposed to an actual church.
As we turn the corner, I swear I hear Dylan insist that stalked flowers like delphiniums and gladiolas make better bouquets than laurels and wildflowers. I have no idea who he’s arguing with. But as I calmly explain to my new fiancee, who comes to bed demanding to know the truth about Saint Nick, some things are better left a mystery.
After all, she has the rest of our lives to pry that particular truth from me,
This is going to be amazing, I think as my eye catches my engagement ring. Chet and I are perfect for each other, and I simply can’t wait until we’re officially husband and wife. My mind is full of bright flowers, white dresses, and a vanilla raspberry cake when I turn back to the rest of the people sitting in my cafe and take in what’s become of it.
“This is going to be a disaster.” I’ve really grown to like these people. And for the most part, they’ve warmed up to me too! But when it comes to a sense of taste, I still seem to be clashing with the community.