Page 51 of Waiting For You
“Went for a walk.”
“That was a motherfucking journey, Grey.”
I shrug and move toward the fridge, feeling overly warm. He was worried about me. He was fuckingworried.
“Didn’t figure you’d miss me.”
Quinn’s breathing picks up and he growls, sounding almost feral.
“Why would you think that?” he asks, his voice dangerously low.
“Figured you made a new friend.”
He stops breathing, and then I hear him say, “Maybe I did.”
I peek over at him and see his cheeks flushed. My mouth goes dry. He’s so goddamn pretty.
“Gonna make something to eat,” I manage to say and try to move around Quinn, but he blocks me. I could easily move him, just lift him and set him aside, but I don’t. I just press up against him, and those cheeks of his darken.
Oh, he’s angry. He looks so hot when he’s mad. God, I want him to pound into me, to teach me a lesson, to use that anger and spank my ass red.
“Don’t feel like you need to stay here and keep me company,” I say softly, and Quinn snaps. His hand reaches out and wraps gently but firmly around the front of my neck, pushing me back against the fridge, holding me in place.
“Shut the fuck up,” he mutters as his hand flexes against my throat and my dick instantly perks up. Oh god, yes. This.This. “You want me to go fuck her? Is that what you fucking want, Grey?”
I gasp as those fingers of his move up and he tilts my face so my eyes are forced to meet his.
“You think I want that pussy?” he mutters, and I wet my lips, my cock leaking.
He steps into me, his body nearly shaking.
“You don’t know?” he hisses, and I groan when he moves his hips against my cock.
“You fucking know, Grey. You’re fucking blind if you don’t.”
And then he’s right there, his lips against mine, not kissing, just lingering.
“Do I even stand a chance with you, or is this all for nothing?” he asks, arching up against me once more, and I let out a huff. “Tell me,” he says, his lips brushing mine, and I cling to him, holding him against me.
And when I don’t answer, he bites down on my bottom lip causing me to groan.
“She thought you were my dad. What would she think if she knew I was fucking you?”
He licks his way up my cheek and my eyelids flutter closed.
“We’re not fucking,” I manage to say, trying to think clearly, but it’s so damn hard when he’s so close. He’s crowding me, forcing me to face this. I don’t want to. I want to fucking hide.
But he’s holding me in place and making mesee.
“Oh, I know. I fucking know.”
Our breathing is heavy between us as his hand squeezes my neck and I let out a shudder.
“Get on your knees,” he says softly, and I blink at him. “On your fucking knees.”
I don’t even hesitate. I just fall to them, my face now level with his crotch. Quinn runs a hand over the top of my head and pulls me forward so my face is smashed into his groin.