Page 8 of Waiting For You
“Any reason why?” he asks. And honestly, what am I doing talking to him about this shit? He’s nineteen, for fuck’s sake. Although most of the time, he doesn’t act his age, which is a little…disconcerting.
“Quinn, that’s not something I’d share with you.”
“Why not?” he asks, looking genuinely confused. Like he has older men tell him secrets all the time.
Fuck, maybe he does. I don’t really know much about Quinn.
“You’re Joshua’s best friend. And you’re young.”
“So…” I run a hand over my head and then plop it right back down on the steering wheel. “So, it feels weird.”
“We can be friends, Grey,” he replies. “And I’m bi, so I get it.”
I freeze, like full-on turn into a statue. I don’t even think I could move if I tried. Because since when is Quinn bisexual? Why didn’t I know this?
“How long have you known?” I mutter.
“Since…” he wets his mouth. “Well, since always.”
Well, shit, for some reason that changes things. Why does that change things?
“So, I’m just saying that a guy like you…. You’d get a lot of hits. I’d message you.”
“Oh, shut up,” I mutter, feeling my cheeks turn red. “Stop it. You can’t say stuff like that.”
“Why? It’s true,” he replies with a wide smile. “You’re hot. Like…really hot.”
I choke a little and turn my focus back to the road before I swerve off of it.
“Stop teasing me.”
“No teasing here. Cross my heart and hope to die. You’re like…”
“Donotfinish that sentence,” I snap, trying to regain my composure and Quinn laughs lowly. “Just draw some more things or something. I…I need to focus on driving.”
And not focus on the fact that I’m on a two-week road trip with my son’s best friend who happens to look like a young Johnny Depp and is bisexualandthinks I’m hot!
Holy fuck.
I never met a bad decision I didn’t like.
Most of the time those bad decisions happen upon me without warning. Like right now. I never mean for these things to happen, they just do.
“Chill, Grey. I’m not going to like, hit on you,” he says and then flips his sketch pad open. “But I may ogle you from a distance. You’re my muse, after all.”
He snorts a small laugh and I reach over and nudge him, my hand pressing against his shoulder.
“Knock it off, brat.”
His bottom lip is pulled between his teeth and he peeks over at me.
Fuck, fuck. Look at him.
Don’t fucking look at him.