Page 96 of Waiting For You
He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. “Yeah…but it’s what was implied.”
“What was implied?” I ask because I wanna know what I insinuated. Someone needs to enlighten me. I’m not that smart.
“That we’re gonna do this separately from here on out.”
His words settle on me, and I shake my head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just…I meant that you can take him anytime you want. It doesn’t mean…it doesn’t mean that I’m asking you to stay away.”
He almost sags in relief. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” I reply, and a smile quirks his lips up.
“Sorry, I read too much into that.”
“Yeah, you fucking did. I’m not that sly, Quinn. I usually say what I mean.”
He reaches out and pulls me into a hug, our bare chests crashing into each other.
“Fuck, I’m so relieved. I don’t want to give this up, to leave. I don’t fucking wanna.”
I hold him against me, breathing in his unique scent.
“I don’t want you to either. I want you to stay.”
We hold each other for a little longer and then Quinn pulls away slightly.
“What about Josh?”
I swallow, my Adam’s apple bobbing furiously. “Don’t know what to do about that actually.”
He rolls his lips between his teeth. “Yeah, me either.”
Winter whines at our feet, and I reach down and pat his head. His tongue laps at my fingers, and I chuckle a little at his enthusiasm.
“Has he talked to you?” I ask, and Quinn shakes his head, looking suddenly sad.
“No, not that I blame him. I mean, I punched him in the face…” I pull him back into me and he sighs against my neck. “I just lost my temper. The things he was saying about you…”
“I know.”
“He’ll come around. I know he will. He just needs time. And we can figure this whole thing out together,” Quinn says. “But we need to do ittogether.”
“Yeah, okay,” I say, nervous about what the future holds, but knowing with certainty that I want to move forward with him in my life.
“Let’s go to bed. I’m so fucking tired,” he says, and I nod, following him underneath the covers and pressing against him, resting my head on his shoulder, my eyes slipping closed.
And for the first time in days, I feel like I’m home.
* * *
I wake up early, a throbbing between my legs sending an ache of need through me. God, I missed him when he was gone and now he’s here. Quinn is fuckinghere.
Need him.
Need him.
I’ve been reduced to base needs right now. Getting relief is all I can think about.
I rub up against his side, my hand sliding across his chest, my lips against his shoulder. He smells so fucking good and feels like heaven. My fingers slide across his nipple and I feel it pucker at my touch.