Page 30 of Becoming Bennet
And it still doesn’t mean anything when I cuddle up next to him a few minutes later when we’re clean and dressed for bed.
Things will go back to normal when we get back to California.
Jasper still hasn’t booked a flight home, and I’m not going to bring it up. He’s currently standing with my sister, Kristy, in the kitchen, whipping up breakfast. Her husband, Mark, is leaning against the counter, hamming it up with him.
I heard a few dad jokes thrown in there, and Jasper is actually smiling at them.
He looks damn good when he smiles. Also when he’s coming his brains out. He looks fucking hot when he’s doing that.
Bad boy.
His words from last night make me shiver, and my dick stands up straight in my pants. I really need to keep it together. I mean, seriously, I have sex for a living. I should be able to control myself, but something about Jasper just does it for me. It always has, if I’m being honest. Since the first time we met.
You know what? He’s a little too far away. I stride over to stand near him, moving Mark out of the way and taking his place, leaning my hip against the counter and inhaling the scent of him.
I don’t know what body wash he uses but I want to get my hands on it. Want to rub it all over my body while I jack off.
“Hey, so uh, Jimbob is coming over for dinner tonight,” I mention casually to Jasper whose eyes are now locked on mine, the spatula in his hand stilling. Is that irritation?
Looks like it.
But that’s nothing new. He’s always so annoyed with me.
I think it’s more like repressed sexual tension that he pretends is annoyance.
At least that’s what I tell myself.
“Why does he need to come for dinner?”
I shrug. “We’re old friends, and he wanted to come by, see the farm.” My number hasn’t changed since high school, and Jimbob still has my number in his phone, like I have his and pretty much everyone from my graduating class.
All fifty of them.
“And when did he invite himself to dinner?” Jasper says, a hand on his hip. Kristy studies his body language, clearly amused, and she sends me a knowing smirk.
What she thinks she knows, I’m not totally sure. It’s early and I’m still waking up. And since when does Kristy smile like this? She must be warming up to Jasper. Honestly, it’s like he works miracles or something. I haven’t seen Kristy smile in ages. She usually just scowls at me.
“He sent a text this morning.” I toss a grape into my mouth from the fresh fruit Jasper insisted on grabbing when we were in what he called “an actual grocery store” after visiting my mom yesterday. He heaved a great big sigh of relief when he saw all the rows full of shit.
“Thank the gods for civilization.”
Although when my brother-in-laws saw the fresh fruit all chopped up and in the bowl, they just blinked and blinked at it, not sure what to do with it.
“Where’re the marshmallows?” Doug had asked as Fred asked for the whipped cream. And Jasper nearly had a heart attack.
“There are no marshmallows in fruit salad! Or whipped cream,” he’d screeched and then swatted at them with his spatula.
It was hot in a very weird way.
Apparently, Jasper seems to think that he’s going to add more years to my family’s lives by introducing them to fruits and vegetables. And fuck, I’m here for it. And maybe I’m a little grateful to him for that too.
Okay, a lot grateful.
Pain in the ass that he is, he has a big heart deep down, behind all the prickles.