Page 42 of Becoming Bennet
He rolls his eyes as we enter the first enclosure and the pigs see us and squeal and snort loudly. Jasper scowls at them as I lift the feed and slop it over the edge.
“Never gets any less disgusting. Pigs are foul.” He brushes his hands off on his jeans like he was the one to feed them and then glances up at me. “But listen, I don’t know if it’s like a Midwestern man thing, but you can talk about your feelings…to me if you want.”
He looks so uncomfortable saying this that it just warms my damn heart. I put the bucket down and pull him into me, pressing my face against the top of his head and inhaling him. It’s still a little damp from his shower this morning, and god, I want to kiss him.
I want him to kiss me. Don’t want to push my luck though.
“Yeah, I don’t have anything against talking about shit. Thank you for offering. I have a lot on my mind.”
He pats me on the back and steps back. “I mean, don’t ramble on and on, but…I get that you have a lot going on and probably no one to talk to.”
“I could talk to Jimbob,” I say, and Jasper scowls. I saw the way he glowered at him last night over dinner, the jealousy lighting up his gaze. I fucking liked it. I lived for it.
“I’m right here. There’s no need to include Jimbob.”
I bite back a smile. “He is a very good listener though.”
Jasper huffs and moves toward the chickens. “Of course he is. He’s pining after your dick. He wants you to talk about your feelings while you stick it up his ass.”
A laugh escapes me as I reach out and grab on to his arm, stopping his forward momentum.
“I appreciate it, and yeah, I’ll save all my words for you.”
He purses his lips and then nods his head. “Fine. Just…we can chat. Whenever you want to. And I’ll listen.”
His eyes swivel to my lips and he wets his own, and I swear to god he’s about to lean up and kiss me. But before he can, Cluck Norris rounds the corner at full speed cockadoodling and charging at Jasper.
“What the hell!” he squeals as he climbs me like a tree, not that I mind. His legs are wrapped around me, his arms clutching me tight. And if Cluck Norris wasn’t pecking at my legs aggressively, I’d be full-on hard over this.
“What the fuck is this?” he shouts, looking down in a panic as Cluck Norris continues to assault my legs.
“He’s just protecting the chickens,” I say with a laugh.
“I haven’t touched the damn chickens! And where was he yesterday when we took all the eggs? He didn’t mind me then!”
A laugh escapes me, and I heft him in my arms, turning around and pushing him up against the wall of the barn.
Cluck Norris is still in attack mode, but suddenly, I don’t hear him anymore because Jasper’s face is so fucking close.
“You better not even think about it,” he whispers, his legs clenching around me tighter, his hands sliding through my hair.
My dick is hardening between us, and I know he can feel it.
“I’m just saving you from the rooster. I’m performing a community service,” I breathe and lean in, running my nose across his cheek.
I feel him tremble against me, feel the press of his cock against my own.
“I could fuck you like this,” I say, and Jasper’s cheeks darken. “I could push you right down on my cock.”
He manages a small eye roll, but I know he’s affected. I know he’s thinking about it.
I know he’s thinking about all the ways I could have him. He tried to pretend like the one time we fucked didn’t mean anything, but it did. It meant a whole hell of a lot.
He grinds against me, and I lean closer, so fucking close that I almost kiss him. But before my lips can land on his, Winnie the Moo makes an appearance, ambling in, her jaw working back and forth, chewing on grass all casual and shit.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Jasper hisses, his legs tightening around me. “Not the cow again.”
Winnie stops right next to us and moos loudly.