Page 48 of Becoming Bennet
Bennet just grins and nudges me gently. “Yeah, this is his mom, Delilah.”
Oh hell, of course it is. I cannot escape that sexy, overall-wearing farmer to save my life. Doesn’t help that his mom is beautiful, with brown hair just starting to gray and a bright smile that I now recognize as the same one Jimbob throws around like candy.
“Hello,” I say with an awkward wave.
“Well, hello to you too. You must be Jasper. It’s so nice to meet you, sweetie. Jimbob hasn’t stopped talking about the city boy from California. Said he was just like Ryan.”
I bristle at that because I am nothing like Ryan, thank you very much. But I can’t even be mad because anywhere else this would seem like some veiled insult, but honestly, I think she’s just being friendly.
“Uh, yeah…Jimbob is…” my voice trails off, my mind scrambling to fill in the blanks. What am I supposed to say? That her son is good-looking, annoyingly sweet, and all over Bennet’s dick right in front of me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I don’t have any claim to Bennet or his dick. Never have. Never will. “Nice.” That’s what I settle on. Motherfucking nice.
She beams at that. “Oh, I know. I’m so proud of him. He’s such a good boy. Anyhoo, what can I get you two?”
I stare up at the little chalkboard and pick the daily special because Iamfun, damn it. I can live a little. Try new things. Even if I don’t know what’s inside this drink.
Delilah bustles around, expertly making our orders in her little makeshift coffee shop. And when she’s done, she hands them over to us. To be honest, I’m a little nervous to take that first sip because I am a terrible liar, but I do it anyways, praying to the gods that I don’t hurt this woman’s feelings if it’s awful.
But as soon as the hot liquid hits my tongue, my eyebrows rise because, “Damn that’s really good.”
She smiles proudly, her hands on her hips. “Ah yes, I know you weren’t expecting much, with that fancy Starbucks and all, but the daily special is a secret family recipe.” She winks at Bennet as he sips at his to-go cup. “Not to mention it has fresh honey in it. Straight from our farm to your cup.”
I gape at her. “You have bees? Like actual, live bees?”
She nods. “Well of course we do, silly. We sell it at the farmer’s market every weekend once it’s warm out.”
“I don’t know why I’m surprised,” I say, imagining Jimbob in a bee suit, managing to make it look sexy as hell. Fucker. I think about him getting stung, and it should make me feel better, but I only feel guilty afterward.
Jesus Christ, these people are too sweet. I mean literally. Sweet as hell. And it’s making me all gooey on the inside too.
“Does Ryan work with the bees?” I ask, and she shakes her head, chuckling.
“Oh, he tried. Got stung and cried like a baby. He refuses to get near them now.”
I smile widely at that because I could just see him, screaming and running around dramatically. I’d actually like to see that very much.
“Which is funny because he has all those tattoos…”
Bennet snickers and Delilah smiles wider. I don’t know how it’s possible, but she does.
“Anyway, you’re welcome to come try out the bee suit anytime. They’re actually very friendly. Not aggressive at all.”
Well, anything with a stinger is aggressive in my book, so no thank you. I’d rather have poop phalanges.
“Sounds good,” I manage to say, taking another sip of my coffee and hoping like hell this honey is pasteurized. Is that a thing? I need to look it up. Don’t want to get botulism.
“Well, thanks, Ms. Delilah. It sure was good to see you,” Bennet says, unconcerned about what’s in his drink. He’s probably built up a tolerance, growing up around it. He drinks raw cow milk after all.
“Did your accent just get thicker?” I ask as we make our way out to the truck, passing the whispering people in the store without a backward glance.
“You like it, huh, me talking like that?” he teases.
“Pfft,” I say and then gulp down some more coffee. I do not like it. I do not imagine what it would sound like if he growled that accent into my ear as he fucked into me.“We should film another teaser when we get back.”
I blurt that out and mostly don’t mean it, but my mind is in the gutter now. Bennet is just too damn hot. Must be this honey. I can already feel the effects setting in. Some kind of love potion. The bees of love.
No, not love. Lust. Just straight-up pheromones.
Bennet eyes me and then hops in the truck where he not-so-subtly adjusts himself as he starts the ignition. Gah, well now I’m hard too. For fuck’s sake. This is going to get messy.