Page 77 of Becoming Bennet
“Yeah, the fucking best.”
One of my hands reaches up and I thread my fingers through his hair, pulling him down toward me, to my mouth. Our lips brush and we ignite. It’s sloppy now. Just tongues and spit and moans moving between us.
It’s only when he peels his lips from mine and tells me to ride him do I move away. Just for a moment, and even that is almost unbearable until I’m straddling him. His lean body feels so good beneath mine, and I glance over at the cameras, just now remembering that they’re there as I sink down on his cock. I’m letting the world see what a slut I am for him.
Our groans have gotten louder, uninhibited as I slam down on him, over and over. His fingers are digging into my sides, and I arch my head back, my hands clutching at him desperately as he impales me.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come,” he murmurs and then his hand is wrapped around my aching, throbbing length, pumping it. It feels good, so fucking right.
“Jasper,” I breathe, our eyes slamming into each other’s, and we hold it.
And that’s how I come, my hole squeezing around his cock as he shudders and whispers my name as he explodes into me.
Then silence, just the two of us messy and wrecked and completely satiated.
“Fuck. Yes,” I say, and Jasper manages a small wobbly smile.
“Gonna have to do that again,” he says, and I nod because damn right we are. Many more times if I have anything to say about it. Especially when we get back to California, whenever that is.
“We will,” I say and then lean down to kiss him softly, not ready to be empty once more. Not ready to let him go.
We’ll talk about what this all means later. Right now, I’m too damn tired.
I need to sleep with Jasper in my arms, and when our brains are working properly again, we can discuss it.
Then we are gonna discuss the shit out of it.
Iprobablyshouldn’thave snuck out of the trailer early this morning and made a run for it. I mean, I didn’t get very far—because really, where would I go?—but I’m feeling far too many things. And I don’t know what to do about any of them. It was the way Bennet was looking at me last night, the desperate way he held on to me.
Oh fuck, I feel all the things, and I am scared shitless.
It’s why I’m still in my pajamas in the middle of this cold field, talking to Winnie the Moo, petting her soft head, and listening to her breathe.
I can see the appeal of cows now. I think I could buy some land and get a mini one. Just so I can have someone to talk to. It’s a bit like a therapist, only cheaper.
“I think I like him,” I say softly, and Winnie just snuffs, her jaw working back and forth. She smells like grass and cow. A little like dirt. And yet here I am, petting away. I’ve lost all common sense, it seems.
“I don’t know what to do,” I say and then sigh, staring up at the blue sky. “Maybe I should give myself some space from him. Maybe I’m only feeling this way because I’ve gone to sleep with him every night and have woken up next to him each morning. It’s messing with my brain. And when you add in amazing, supersonic sex, I feel like I’m losing my damn mind…and my heart.”
Winnie moos loudly, and I jump. My hand slides over my thundering heart, and I let out a small laugh.
“Yeah, so you agree with me, right? I should leave and then figure out what’s going on, right?”
Winnie isn’t helpful after that. She just gives me a cow hug, and I hug her back. I’ll miss her when I leave. I might have to convince Bridgette to let me fly out for a visit, and if not, I’ll have to stop by a 4H fair and pet the cows in remembrance of her. I’m a regular Jimbob now. Pretty soon I’ll be carrying around mini pigs in my pockets.
“I think it’s settled then. I need to buy a ticket home and then figure out what’s going on with my lovesick brain.”
And my heart. I really need to figure that out.
I don’t say much when I make it back to the trailer. Bennet is up, his hair rumpled, his clothes half on.
“Where did you go?” he asks, pulling his shirt down over those delectable muscles. It’s a shame really, covering all that up.
I shrug, not wanting to admit that I was chatting with a cow about my feelings for him. That’s pathetic, really. So damn sad. Gods, what has Bennet done to me? Or Kansas? Maybe it’s some sort of Kansas spell.