Page 24 of Raven
He chuckled, pulling me closer to his warmth. My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten.
“Food!” I sat up, my eyes wide. “I do believe I was promised some food.”
Porter smiled, padding into the kitchen. Rueben had disappeared but returned wearing a black shirt and athletic shorts. He walked over and sat on the floor in front of me, pulling my leg over his shoulder, his hand wrapping around my ankle. He peeled my sock off, looking it over as he gently handled it.
“Ice,” he said, glancing toward the kitchen. Porter lifted a finger, spinning in a circle as he looked for something.
“How’s boss man?” Phoenix asked.
“Asleep,” Rueben said, his eyes shifting to look at Phoenix, a message passing between them. My curiosity about their fourth team member grew even more. Porter handed Rueben an ice pack and towel, returning to the kitchen to gather food.
Rueben motioned for me to turn, my back resting against Phoenix’s side, my foot propped on a pillow with the ice pack. A strange flutter took off in my belly. I’d never been taken care of like this. I’d always been the one to treat the girls when they were sick or injured.
“Thank you,” I whispered, suddenly feeling shy. Rueben’s eyes met mine, nodding as he stood and walked over to the table, taking things out from a bag. Phoenix turned on the television, finding a channel with an older episode ofPhoenix Hospital. I sighed, settling back into him, happy to have someone to share it with.
“Oh, I love this episode,” I said, smiling, tilting my head. Phoenix’s eyes were on me and not the TV. “It’s the first time Mary performs her solo surgery, and all the other residents get jealous. Plus, there’s not that much blood in this one.”
Phoenix’s green eyes twinkled, and some of the haunted shadows I’d noticed earlier disappeared. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll help you cover your eyes,” he offered, those tingles inside multiplying. No one had ever gone out of their way to help me before with my blood issue. The girls knew, but I didn’t think they understood what happened to me in those moments and just saw it as another Raven quirk.
“Thank you,” I whispered, lifting his hand to my lips and kissing it.
“Ah, man. Phoenix got another kiss. How come I met you first, and I’ve gotten the least amount of kisses?” Porter asked, pouting. He stood at the end of the couch with a platter of food, my eyes going wide as I took in all the delicious things.
“If that’s for me, I’ll give you three!” I said, sitting up a little. Porter perked up, his green eyes shimmering with a playfulness I liked. He placed the tray on my lap, bending down with his face turned.
Reaching up, I pulled his face close, kissing one cheek and then the next, debating where to place the third.
“Can I save it?” he asked.
“Why?” I turned my head, trying to figure out his reasoning. Did he not want me to kiss him?
“So I have something to look forward to,” he said, the words soft and sincere. My cheeks heated, my stomach tumbling over itself.
“Yes, of course,” I stammered, dropping my hands. “Thank you for the food, Porter.”
“Anytime, Cutie-pie.”
“I have a feeling a bizarre game of earning kisses just started,” Phoenix mumbled, sighing at his brother. Porter stood, his face smug as he walked back to the kitchen, grabbing more plates for the others.
Rueben stayed at the table to eat, but Porter joined us on the couch, shifting my foot into his lap. I tried to focus on the show as I ate, but I had so many new things to process.
What did this all mean? What did I do from here? Could I like all of them? It felt like I did. I didn’t want to leave, enjoying their company more than I wanted to admit. They felt safe.
True to his word, Phoenix covered my eyes when blood appeared on the screen, allowing me to watch the episode in relative freedom for once.
“Is this how you usually wind down after a caper?” I asked.
“A caper?” Porter repeated, chuckling.
“Thievery? High-jinks? Monkey business?” I asked, giggling. “What do you call your jobs? Heists?”
Porter tilted his head in thought, strands of honey-blond hair falling into his eyes. “I hate to break it to ya, but we mostly just call them jobs. Though, I’m kind of digging high-jinks. What do you think, Rueb? Want to get into some high-jinks?” he asked, laughing.
Rueben turned his head from the floor where he’d settled once he’d finished his food; his brows raised as he shook his head at Porter.
“Ruebear prefers caper,” I said matter-of-factly, my hand dropping to his shoulder.
He looked up at me, shrugging, his dark chocolate eyes dancing. I moved my arm, but he kept it in his grip, so I shifted it over, running my fingers through his hair, causing his head to fall back against the couch at my ministrations.