Page 27 of Raven
I shrugged. “I think you’ll like her just as much, bro. There’s something about her. I’m not sure what it means; other than that, we all want to keep Raven here with us; however that works. It might sound weird, but I dunno. I think we all need her in different ways.”
“How does she seem to take that? Does she know who we are?”
“She does, and before you get your panties in a knot, she won’t use that information to hurt us. I promise, she’s…” I trailed off, realizing I was about to start speaking in sonnets and riddles. She was the sun, moon, and the whole damn sky. “She belongs with us.”
Otto seemed intrigued and perplexed at the same time. His shoulders drooped, and I knew he needed to rest more. Taking the water and crackers, I sat them on the nightstand. “Get some rest. We need your crazy brain to figure out a plan to keep her with us when you wake up.”
Otto blinked, his eyes heavy as he moved down the bed and laid his head on his pillow. I started to stand, but his tattooed forearm reached out and grabbed mine.
“Will you stay for a little bit and tell me a story?”
Sitting back down, I crossed one ankle over the other as I rested against the pillows. Otto scooted closer, his body pressing up against my legs for contact. There had never been anything sexual between the four of us, just a bond that had been formed and fortified in the trenches. We were one another’s family, both Otto and Rueben as close to me as my twin. With that closeness came security and understanding, a trust that we could be vulnerable with one another.
Otto needed physical contact, a reassurance that he wasn’t alone, especially after one of his episodes when he felt the weakest. Wrapping my arm around his back, I hugged him to my side, giving him pressure and comfort. It was a shame men couldn’t physically console one another without judgment. If everyone hugged more, there would probably be less anger and violence in the world. There was no room for that toxic masculinity shit in our bond.
I recited Otto a story from our past, one we all knew by heart, as Otto’s breathing evened out and his body relaxed into a deep sleep. Kicking off my shoes, I scooted down next to him as tiredness settled through my bones. I’d just sleep here for a bit. It was already warm.
* * *
The soundof giggles and my brother’s voice woke me, the crick in my neck telling me I hadn’t moved once I’d fallen asleep. I rubbed my eyes, spotting Otto still sleeping next to me. His complexion looked better, and I relaxed, knowing the worst was past us.
Stretching my arms, I twisted side to side and stood, my back cracking as I leaned over. I sniffed my armpits, not something I typically cared about in a house of guys, but now, I wanted to smell as good as Raven had said I did.
Grabbing my stuff from my room, I quickly showered and changed my clothes. Porter had always been the more fashionable one, paying attention to styles and trends. I’d never cared, happy to wear a T-shirt and joggers if I could get away with it. I didn’t think Raven was one to judge a person by what they wore, but I wanted to present myself in a good light. Earning her smiles felt like a reward. Using some of Porter’s gel, I tousled my hair, hoping it looked nice, then brushed my teeth.
When I felt presentable, I hurried back to Otto’s room despite my urge to go to Raven. I needed to help my brother first. He hadn’t budged, so I checked the time and saw it was time for his next dose. Nudging him again, I held out the giant pill and vitamin with some water. He sat up, not fighting me as much this time, taking the medication I offered.
“Feel up to a shower?” I asked.
“With you?” he joked, swallowing down the rest of the water.
“You’re about twenty minutes late on that offer, dude. I’m willing to help your stinky butt, though, so you don’t smell like a dead rat when you meet Raven.”
He grumbled but nodded, moving to get out of bed. Otto wobbled a little on his legs, his muscles protesting, but he gained momentum as we approached the shower. Once he ate, he’d be good as new. Turning on the water, I hopped on the counter while he got in. He grumbled more about having a babysitter, but I knew, deep down, he appreciated the company.
“How long do we have the rental?” I asked, my head leaning back against the mirror and my eyes closed.
“Maybe one more day. I’m off on my days after sleeping for ten hours,” Otto replied as the water shifted.
“Were we heading after the other board members? Or was it only for this one?”
The water shut off, and Otto reached out to grab his towel. “I wanted to discuss it with everyone. The other two weren’t on the job list, so we’d need to figure out where they are if we wanted to continue. This one was supposed to have some information in her safe that might lead us to them. I need to look through it.”
He stepped around the curtain, a towel around his waist. I didn’t budge as I thought through the information.
“I bet Raven knows. That’s where she’s going next. Maybe we can join forces or something. It’s at least a way to keep her with us for a little longer before we need to consider a long-term plan.”
Otto snorted. “I honestly can’t wait to meet her. You sound more like Porter than ever before when you talk about her. I’m not sure what to think, hearing it from you. From him, I expect it and know he’ll burn out as fast as he flamed… but you and Rueben.” He shook his head, pulling his jeans up. “That complicates it for me. I do hope she isn’t a con artist. I don’t want to be the one to break all of your hearts in order to protect us.”
“I understand where you’re coming from, Otto. I do. And I know it sounds so bogus and fake. But… it’s not like that. She’s pure and light, despite killing people for a living. Promise me you’ll take the day to get to know her before you decide she’s lying to us all.”
Otto searched my face, scrubbing his hand over his stubble. “Yeah. Okay. I promise.”
Grinning, I hopped off the counter so he could finish and opened the door to let out some of the steam. The smell of pancakes and bacon greeted me, my stomach growling in response. Otto joined in, stopping next to me as he inhaled deeply.
“God, I’m hungry.”
I clapped him on the shoulder, excited for him to meet our harbinger pixie. “Then let’s get some grub and introduce you to Raven. You’re going to love her.”