Page 29 of Raven
Rueben took my hand, lifting me into his arms for the few feet to the table. “Not that I’m complaining, Ruebear, but I’m starting to believe you just like picking me up.”
His dark chocolate eyes dropped to mine, his beard moving on one side as the corner of his mouth ticked up. Mirth danced with protectiveness in his dark orbs, an alluring combination. It felt like there was a story there, one he wasn’t ready to share yet. If I had to sacrifice walking to help him, then it was a price I could pay.
“Fine, don’t blame me when my hips get bigger because I’m not burning any calories walking,” I teased.
“There are other ways to burn calories, Raven,” Phoenix purred beside me, sending shivers down my body. I didn’t know how to handle my desire, so I focused on something else.
“That was a flirt, right?” I asked.
“A flirt? Oh, sweet harbinger of death, we have so much to teach you.” He chuckled and leaned in, kissing my cheek, making my face burn. It felt nice, though, better than any of the kisses I’d had before.
Rueben sat down in a chair, keeping me in his lap. I started to protest but realized there were only four chairs, so I’d have to deal with my human-sized high chair. Not that I hated it. His arms were warm around me, his touch soft and soothing. Plus, he smelled like chocolate and coffee, and I couldn’t decide whether to eat my pancakes or lick him. Probably both.
I glanced at Otto, wondering what he thought about his friends being so touchy with me. It felt natural to me, and it would be hard to stop, but they were his friends first, and I wouldn’t want to upset him. Thankfully, he smiled at me as I caught his eyes. Porter placed a plate of pancakes in front of him, taking his seat as Phoenix sat down with his plate.
Their love for one another was so sweet. I adored how they cared for each other in big and small ways. It was something I wish I had more of in my life. I never realized how much it was missing until I witnessed it before my own eyes.
A fork with a piece of pancake appeared in front of my face, the syrup dripping down the utensil. I peered back at Rueben, and he nudged me to open my mouth. Accepting it, I did as commanded and wrapped my lips around the fork, the fluffy piece of pancake falling apart on my tongue. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the bite, doing a little happy dance in Rueben’s lap.
“Holy cow. Is that how she always eats?” Otto whispered. I opened my eyes, finding three pairs staring back. The twins nodded, gazes locked on me as they ate their meal. Shrugging, I accepted another bite, letting the buttery goodness take my mind off the fact they were watching.
“You were going to share what happened after you and Otto lost one another,” Porter said once my plate was clean. I nodded, grabbing a piece of bacon and leaning back into Rueben’s arms. Despite all of his hard muscles, he was incredibly comfortable. My free hand trailed up his tattooed forearm, my fingertips brushing against his skin as I thought.
“After I escaped the badge lady, I ran and ran until I couldn’t. I didn’t know where I was or how to return to the theater. So I stopped and sat on a curb to figure out a plan. I hadn’t meant to run so far, and I didn’t want to lose you, so I mentally tried to retrace my steps when a car pulled up. At first, I worried someone wanted to take advantage of me since I was alone, but it wasn’t. It was Man.”
“Who’s Man?” Porter asked.
“The man who rescued me and made me into who I am. He said I could get revenge on all the people who’d hurt me, that he would teach me how. I didn’t have to do anything other than try. I’d get my own room, access to unlimited food, clothes, and toys. Everything I desired would be available to me, and I could learn anything I wanted. Even though I was young, I knew he was being honest, and I’d already concluded my chances of surviving on the streets alone were risky. Before I met Otto, I hadn’t done well, so without him, I didn’t have high hopes of surviving. Man offered me a chance to learn and have the resources to do something, to be someone. He even promised to help me find you.”
I bit my lip, worried now about what he said. If he’d been looking for me, I should’ve tried harder too. I could’ve been reunited with Otto sooner if I’d stayed. The fear that I shouldn’t tell them my history didn’t even register. I’d felt safe with them from the start and knew I could trust them with it.
“I’m glad you went with him, Little Bird,” Otto said, erasing all my doubts.
“You are? Why? I thought you’d be mad I didn’t try harder.”
He shook his head, his eyes growing wide as he looked at me. “I’d never be mad at you for trying to survive, Little Bird. I’m ecstatic that you didn’t have to suffer on the streets and found a home where you were cared for.”
We held each other’s gaze, filling our minds with this new version of one another. Hearing his voice, seeing him in the flesh, was doing wonders for my heart.
“What was it like there?” Phoenix asked.
“It was everything I dreamed it would be. Other girls were training with me, giving me instant friends. We all lived together, just like I wanted in my stories. I spent a lot of time learning how to be a doctor, wanting to know how to care for people so I wouldn’t have to lose anyone again.”
“I told you that you were the best doctor I ever had,” Otto said, smiling warmly, my cheeks heating again. I shrugged one shoulder, hiding my face as I traced Rueben’s tattoos.
“Well, I took all the courses but couldn’t go to medical school or perform any surgeries. So, I only have theoretical knowledge. Passing out at the sight of blood is a big hindrance in the medical field.”
“I’m still proud of you, Little Bird. You’ve done amazing things with your life.”
“Even if I kill people?” I asked, looking up from under my eyelashes. The other guys had accepted it about me, but for some reason, I worried that Otto wouldn’t be able to, seeing me as that little girl from our past.
“Have any of them been innocent?” he asked, lifting his eyebrow like he already knew the answer.
I scoffed, shaking my head. “Man is very thorough. If he gets the job, they’re bad news bears. Every kill I’ve made has deserved it.” My voice was cold, the killer in me showing through. I’d accepted long ago that the darkness in me had a purpose, and I could use it to make the world better for other little girls. The world was too corrupt with laws and rules designed to help the rich. There wasn’t justice for girls like me unless I took it.
“Do you care that we steal from the rich, taking what we want?” he countered.
“No, I love that. It’s just like my story…” I trailed off, looking at the guys with different eyes, remembering what they’d told me last night now that I knew their Otto was indeedmyOtto. “You told them our stories.” I didn’t make it a question. It was written all over their faces. Even without meeting me, they’d gotten to know me through the stories Otto and I told.