Page 46 of Raven
“Huh?” I asked, my nose scrunching as I tried to figure him out. I glanced down at my hands, finding them empty. “I’m not holding a syringe or a wire. I know I’m good, Port, but I wouldn’t endanger myself to prove a point.”
Porter groaned, biting his fist now. “Cutie-pie, you’re gonna have to add being topless to your list of ways to kill a man.”
At his words, I peered down at my boobs pressed between the seats with my black lacy bra on display. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t think it would be a big deal.” I shrugged, moving back now that I knew we weren’t in danger. An idea came to my head from my earlier seduction education, and I decided to put my new skills to the test.
“Just give me a warning next time,” Porter grunted in response, his eyes flicking back to me every few seconds. Smirking, I kicked off my tennis shoes and shimmied my pants down. Then I deliberately turned, my butt now in the space between the seats, as I pulled out my leggings.
The car swerved as Porter cursed, spurring me on. Returning to my seat, I pulled off my panties and dragged the soft cotton up my legs. Moaning in relief as the soft fabric met my skin, I sighed happily. I toed my shoes back on, folding the scrubs and underwear into my bag.
“I feel like this is a real-lifeDirty Dancingmoment,” I said, moving my hands to the band of my bra.
“Oh? How so? You going to dance in the water with me, Raven?”
I smiled, loving that he’d seen the movie. “You going to teach me? I’m not great at dancing, but I could balance on the log without any problems. But no, more like the time she changes in the backseat after their first performance. So, keep your eyes up front. There’s your warning.”
Slowly, I mimicked the lady I’d watched earlier and pushed the straps off my shoulders, shimmying the cups down my arms as I pressed my boobs together. I didn’t glance up to see if Porter was watching, but his inhale and swerve told me he was. Putting my arms into the shirt, I raised them to drop it down over my head, my tits perky and alert from this angle. I pretended to be oblivious as I wrestled the shirt down, tugging it down in the front last.
“Fucking toadstools,” Porter cursed, making me laugh. “You knew what you were doing, didn’t you?”
I climbed over the console, trying not to bump him with my hips as I took the front seat and put on my seatbelt. In shock, I turned to him. “Who me? I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
Porter shook his head good-naturedly, grinning as he focused ahead. He shifted a few times, drawing my attention to his crotch—a long length pressed against his thigh, visible through his tight jeans. I gulped, the one taken by surprise now. It had felt big last night, but seeing it there, it seemed twice the size.
“If you keep staring at it like that, I’m going to pull this car over and do something about it.”
“You’d lose the game,” I whispered, licking my lips and wondering what he’d taste like.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Rave.” He chuckled darkly, the sound deep in his throat. “There’s no losing in this game.”
Building up my courage, I was about to reach out my hand and touch his leg when he pulled into the rental, turning the car off. I quickly pretended to be observing my nails.
“Oh, look, we’re here!”
Porter laughed but let me off the hook. “Come on. Rueben grabbed some food on his way back from checking out the layout.” His eyes twinkled at the confirmation that one of them had followed me.
“I knew it,” I grumbled, opening the door. Though inside, warmth spread through me, knowing I hadn’t been there alone. All my talk of doing this solo was proving to be just that… talk.
If these guys made me depend on them, they had another thing coming if they ever tried to leave me. I’d cling to them like a koala. Rueben was as tall as a tree, so I was confident we could work out a living arrangement that would work.
Deep down, I knew in my heart they weren’t playing me. Otto had been in my heart since I was a child. He’d shared me with his brothers, and I’d become part of them in exchange. They were as likely to let me go as I was them. So, what was I afraid of?
“I hope he got some cake or pie. I have a sweet tooth that has to be fed after a mission. It’s mandatory!”
Porter grabbed my bag from the back, throwing his arm around my shoulders. I spotted an SUV parked next to the car and figured it had to be the one Rueben used. They’d been busy in the time I’d been gone.
“If I know Rueben, he bought one of everything. He’d want to make sure he got you what you liked. Plus, he loves his sweets just as much. Probably what drew him to you. You’re as sweet as they come.”
He nuzzled my neck, kissing me under my ear. My face flamed at his words as my insides heated from his kiss. All my progress at seducing him went out the window as he turned me on with such simple things. I’d never felt this aroused before, and it was becoming glaringly obvious that I wasn’t asexual like I believed, but perhaps demisexual.
Accepting myself, I lifted my head and wrapped my arm around Porter’s waist. He grinned at me, and I felt like I’d won the lottery.
The door flew open, and Phoenix flew out, scooping me into his arms as he picked me up. My legs wrapped around him as he hugged me tight to his chest.
“Um, hello. Did you miss me?” I laughed.
He nodded, his eyes big as he stared at me. “How was your day, sweetie?” he asked as he turned and walked into the house, leaving his brother behind.
“I’m here too, Bro!”