Page 80 of Raven
His arrogance would cost him. Carlos thought he was safe in his penthouse with his high-tech security and armed guards. But he hadn’t dealt with me or my team before.
Yeah,my team.
It had been Otto who’d given me the idea. Using components from his medication, I extracted the tropane alkaloid and made it more robust. It wouldn’t kill him, but it would make him compliant with anything I asked.
“What did you do?” he hissed, his pupils large as the chemical took effect. His muscles tightened next, and the complete loss of free will followed.
“You might have heard of a version called Devil’s Breath,” I said as I stalked forward. I’d barely heard Phoenix in my ear telling me it was clear. Now that I had him subdued, it was time to eliminate the alarm.
Carlos tried to fight the drug, but with each second it coursed through his bloodstream, the less control he had.
I slapped my hands down on the desk when I neared, making Carlos jump at the noise. His eyes met mine, half a sneer on his face as he tried to fight the effects.
“You’re mine to command now, Carlos. Deactivate the alarm.”
His face screamed how much he wanted to ignore me, but his mind and body were under my control. With sluggish movements, he picked up the phone next to him and lifted it to his face and did as I asked. I moved around the desk to watch, ensuring he didn’t try to alert anyone.
The alarm beeped as a disembodied voice spoke over the speakers, “Alarm disengaged.”
“That wasn’t so hard. Now, I want you to record yourself saying the following.” I pulled out a piece of paper and sat it on his desk. He scanned over it, his cheeks puffing out as he tried to hiss at me.
“Anytime now. The countdown has begun.” I tapped my wrist, twirling my finger in the air.
“You won’t get away with this.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. Not only will I get away with this, but I’ll live better knowing you’re gone from this world. And all the families you robbed loved ones from will have some compensation for the lies you sold them.I’mstopping the cycle. Little ol’ me.”
He sneered at me as best he could, his fingers twitching to do something, but he couldn’t unless I told him. My grin spread wider as I hopped up on the desk. I could hear Porter and Rueben taking out the last guard and working on the safe. Pretending to file my fingernails, I waved at him to carry on.
“Chop, chop. We’re killing time here, Carlos. Record. Read. Be sincere. Go.”
He lifted the phone and hit record, sitting it on the tripod I’d unfolded and set up. Smiling at him, I motioned for him to keep going.
“Dear viewers, I’ve realized my life no longer has value due to the countless people I’ve murdered. Yes,murdered. Either through physical violence or my drugs, I’m responsible for thousands, if not millions, of deaths. I’ve sent my lawyer a document with all the families affected by my misdeeds and bequeath 75% of my fortune to be divided between them. The remaining portion is to be used to set up recovery centers, so I can leave a legacy that will actually make a difference and not just the memory of the piece of shit person I am. The center shall be named Hopevale, so all that enter do so in the name of hope and recovery. My life is over, and I fully admit to taking my own life. Please respect my wishes. Again, I’m sorry I was such a scumbag.”
I mouthed the words along with him, smiling at the end.
“Stop recording.” He did as I said; the fight drained out of him now.
Picking up his phone, I uploaded the video to the drive Phoenix had set up and then wiped all traces of our entrance from the cameras, looping them for an hour before we came. With that taken care of, I pulled the blade out of his arm, keeping my eyes on his face.Don’t look at the blood. It’s not real.
“Not only are you dying at the hands of a little girl you vowed to kill twenty years ago, but all your millions and research will be given to those you’ve harmed. You have nothing left. Your name is mud. Your legacy is gone. You’re done, and it was me and my team who did it. I’m the predator, and you’re the prey. Now, say it with me.Silent Blade.”
“Sil-ent Bl-ade,” he bit out. I tapped his head mockingly.
“Good asshole. Enjoy Hell.”
Pulling out the syringe, I jabbed it into his arm, leaving it lying on the desk. It was all the drugs he made combined. It felt fitting he should die by his own creations.
Hopping off the desk, I didn’t even look back as I left the room. This man had stolen my past. I wouldn’t let him take my future too.
Once I was free of the room, sound returned to me, my mind able to focus on something other than the asshole who’d killed my family.
“I’m here. I’m clear of the room and headed to the roof. Everyone else?”
Arms wrapped around me before I heard a response, and I went into reflex mode, flipping the person over my shoulder. I froze when Porter’s face stared up at me, a look of amazement on his perfect golden skin.