Page 12 of Do-Over with my Ex
“Yeah, it’s a good one. I prefer taking the bus, but Bas insisted that if I want to be taken seriously, I should look the part.”
“I agree with him… the bus isn’t good for anything.”
Lexi laughed. “I prefer not to affect the eco-footprint as much as the CO2emissions do, but I guess I can’t win every war.”
“You really can’t,” I agreed. “I also choose my battles. The fact that I choose all of them is besides.”
Lexi laughed. “It’s really nice to get to know you. Ava talks so highly of you.”
“Nice of her,” I said. “Only good things, I assume.”
Lexi laughed again. “Of course. Apparently, you’re really good with the kids, too.”
“That’s because every kid needs a good role model, and I’m more than willing to be that,” I said. “I know how to spend money, and that’s the number one rule if you’re a Forger. Further, we focus on poise and grace and a good face.”
Lexi burst out laughing as if I was the funniest person she’d ever seen, which was ridiculous because I was being deadly serious.
“Do you want kids?” Lexi asked.
“Oh, God, no. I don’t think that’s something I’m ready for. You never know what the future holds, but I’m probably the world’s biggest front-runner on birth control. They should give me commissions on sales, I’m that positive about it.”
Lexi giggled and shook her head.
“They should give you a comedy act, too.”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “You don’t believe in birth control?”
“Of course I do. I’m a fan of nature all around us and believe we should protect the arth, so it’s a good idea to stay away from plastics and other harmful materials… but I’m not going to say no to a condom when I want to get down and dirty.”
I smiled. “Atta girl. You don’t have kids, do you?”
“No,” Lexi said. “The only Conrads who have yet to reproduce.” She swallowed, and her face fell a little.
“And you don’t want children?” I asked.
“I do,” Lexi said. “I really do, and we’ve been talking about it. I just don’t know how to divide my time. How do I help others if I have to spend all my time raising children? And how do I give my children the time they deserve if I want to help others? That’s what’s been stopping me. I just don’t know how to do it. I love helping others, and I don’t want to neglect anyone.”
“Hmm,” I said. I didn’t know how to give her advice. Having children and sharing my time was the one thing I knew nothing about. The most important person to me was Celine, and I made sure I got what I needed.
We stopped at the mall and walked in. There were shops of all shapes and sizes, and we went from one to the next, looking at shoes and makeup and jewelry.
Lexi turned out to be a really nice person. She was a little hippy for me, with her Earth child appearance—long blonde hair that hung in waves over her shoulders and layers of clothing that I would never have worn—but she was a sweet person, and I liked her despite how weird she was.
When we walked into a furniture shop with a huge new leather collection, Lexi lifted her hand and waved.
I frowned and looked around until I saw a familiar face.
My stomach curled with dread.
Anna came to us. Her strawberry-blonde hair was pulled back into a bun, and she wore jeans, a T-shirt, a matching jean jacket, and sensible shoes.
“It’s so good seeing you!” Lexi said and hugged Anna. “You remember Celine? It’s Noah’s sister, she flew in for the wedding—”
“I remember,” Anna said with a smile. “The fling from Lorenzo’s past.”
Oh, God.
“Hi,” I said. “I didn’t mean to—”