Page 26 of Do-Over with my Ex
I laughed. “You’ve never been a fan of kids.”
“Not my own,” Celine pointed out. “I love Noah’s kids to death. They’re the sweetest, and kids bring light and laughter into the world. I love the idea of kids.”
“Just not for you.”
Celine nodded, rolling her big eyes up at me.
“Are you having the ‘will we have kids’ conversation with me?” I asked.
Celine’s eyes widened. “No, no, no. That’s not what this is. We’re not—”
I burst out laughing. “I’m fucking with you.”
Celine visibly relaxed, and I chuckled, relishing in how worked up she got.
“For someone as icy and armored as you, you get flustered fucking fast.”
Celine rolled her eyes. “You caught me off guard. I’m naked, never mind talking about armor. This is why I don’t let men stay over.”
She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, not even trying to cover up. Celine was a goddess. Her body was perfect in every way—luscious curves, perfect breasts, legs for days—and she had no self-esteem issues. She knew she was hot as fuck, and although she didn’t always flaunt it and rub it in people’s faces, she was well aware of the effect she had on men.
She just didn’t know what effect she had onme.When I looked at her, I didn’t only see her fucking perfect body. Celine had so much more to her. She was just hellbent on hiding it.
“So, are you getting out of here, or what?” Celine asked from the bathroom, speaking around a toothbrush.
“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “I’m staying for breakfast.”
The sound of brushing stopped, and she rinsed her mouth.
“You shouldn’t.”
“I want to.”
“I didn’t mean it in a sweet way. You reallyshouldn’t.” She appeared in the doorway, still naked. “I’m not kidding. You should go.”
“Noah invited me to stay for breakfast. It would be rude to turn down an invitation, you know.”
Celine narrowed her eyes at me. “That’s not how he meant it.” She turned away from me and shut the door. A moment later, the shower turned on.
I laughed to myself and sank back onto the pillows. Celine was full of shit, but I loved that about her. I’d managed to wriggle in where no man dared to go, and now that I’d made it this far, fucked if I was going to let her work me out again. We had a connection, and no matter how hard she fought me, I wasn’t going to let that go.
Celine was the kind of woman who only came along once in a million years. I just wished she would stop throwing up so many walls and let me through that prickly exterior without a fight.
When she finished showering, she got dressed while I got into the shower. I would have loved showering together, but I wouldn’t push it.
By the time we were ready and joined Ava and Noah in the kitchen, they both watched us with expecting eyes.
“Morning,” Celine said nonchalantly. “You know Lorenzo, right?” She looked at Ava.
“We met,” I said, nodding at Ava.
“I made extra breakfast in case you were staying,” Ava said, and her eyes sparkled.
I felt Celine bristle next to me.
“Thanks,” I said. “It looks great.”
Noah and Ava shifted around the table, rearranging the kids. Hunter sat in a bouncer on the far side of the table, with Warner in a highchair, eating cereal with his hands and getting milk over everything. Noah and Ava sat on one side of the table. Celine and I had no choice but to sit down next to each other.