Page 98 of Do-Over with my Ex
I giggled. “He’s fine with it. He’s happy I finally found someone with a good bloodline and a shit ton of money.”
“Is that all that matters to him?”
“I’m sure there’s more than that, but he’s always been terrified that I’d fall for some lower-class guy just to spite him or something.”
“You would do something like that.”
I smirked at him. “I don’t know if I’m ready to rough itthatmuch.”
Lorenzo snorted. “You’re full of shit.”
“I’m not the one who asked me to marry you.”
“No, you’re not. I don’t regret asking you for a second.”
I blushed and turned my face away from Lorenzo so he wouldn’t see the effect he had on me. Lorenzo wasthatguy. The one who made butterflies erupt in my stomach and made my knees weak. I woke up with his name on my lips and fell asleep to the image of his face before me. He knew my body, and I knew his. We’d mapped it out a million times until we were the same person. He knew me better than I knew myself, and vice versa.
I wasn’t going to make it that easy for him, though. I wasn’t going to show him how he affected me, how head over heels in love with him I was. That would just stroke his ego andsomeonehad to give him a hard time. Who would I be if not a little bitchy sometimes?
But God, I loved him so fucking much.
The car turned off the road and through the large gates that had Nuvole welded in shimmering letters above it.
Clouds. That was what it meant. It was so apt after everything we’d been through.
I looked at the vines that grew bright and green to one side and the large Tuscan-style house that lay long and low on the other, with a sparkling pool and a beautiful lawn that stretched as far as the perimeter from what I could tell.
There was no doubt that the owners of this place took pride in what they did and worked hard to keep up the excellence they strived for every day.
When the car pulled up in front of the house, the front door opened and the short Italian woman who’d received me and Noah the last time I’d been here stepped out with a smile on her face.
“Ah, you made it,” she said and smiled at Lorenzo. She cupped his cheeks and planted kisses on both of them before she turned to me. “Welcome to Nuvole, where all your dreams come true, eh?” She nudged me and laughed.
“She’s not business, Zia, we don’t sell her the line,” Lorenzo laughed, shaking his head.
“I think it’s perfect,” I said. After all, it was true. “I’m Celine Forger. We didn’t formally meet the last time I was here.”
“Luana Carelli,” she said.
I held out my hand but she grabbed me and kissed both cheeks like she’d done for Lorenzo.
“Come in, come in,” Luana said. “We have wine and biscotti ready just for you!”
I glanced at Lorenzo, who nodded with a smile that held none of the nerves he’d had before. He took my hand, and we walked into the house together.
We sat down in the living room. It was a beautiful room with luxurious furniture, but it wasn’t a room just for show. The walls were covered in photos of the vineyard and of family—this family had money, but this house was a home, too.
“So, tell me how you ran into Lorenzo again,” Luana said. “It’s not every day we run into our past, no?”
“No, it’s not,” I said. “We have a mutual friend who happens to like wine, and Lorenzo was her wedding date.”
“Weddings are a great place to meet people,” Luana said and winked at Lorenzo.
A short, wide man walked in through the doors.
“Who’s this?” he asked when he looked at Lorenzo. “I don’t recognize you.”
Lorenzo laughed. “I haven’t been gone that long.”