Page 27 of Mercilessly Bred
We came around the back of the castle and the horse trotted among big pine trees covered with snow. It was magical, and I relaxed enough to want to make conversation. I’d learned that it was hard to know if Sebastian would want to talk, but I tried anyway.
“This place is so beautiful. Have you lived here a long time?”
There was a moment of silence, and I’d almost decided he wasn’t going to respond when he finally spoke.
“About ten years. Although, I used to travel a lot for work.”
“And what is your job?” I asked, trying to sound nonchalant. I knew from experience that Sebastian might shut down the conversation if he felt I was getting too personal. He’d done it before.
“I own Carrington Chocolate.”
My eyes widened. “You mean all those chocolates in that room where we met…”
Sebastian actually chuckled, and I wished I was facing him so I could see the laughter in his eyes. Although, that I couldn’t see him was probably why he felt comfortable enough to chuckle.
“Of course. Why else would I have a room full of chocolate?”
“It’s delicious?” I offered, biting my lower lip. There was that chuckle again. The sound made me feel warm despite the cold air surrounding us.
“I’m glad you think so. Our customers agree.”
I looked back at the castle. It was so big, and as far as I could tell, he lived here alone, aside from the staff. But having people around that you paid to cook and clean wasn’t the same as sharing your life and space with someone. I thought about the clothes that Barclay had given to me before Sebastian bought me my own. He said he’d taken them from Charlotte’s closet…
“Who’s Charlotte?” I asked, the words coming out faster than expected.
Sebastian tensed against me, and I shrank.
“Why do you ask?” His words came out colder than the surrounding air.
“Just curious. I heard the name and wondered about her.”
The conversation was over after that. Despite our beautiful surroundings and Sebastian’s body being pressed up against me, everything felt different.
We headed back around to the front of the castle, and there was a tall man waiting near the front door. Sebastian stopped the horse in front of him and the man took the reins. I assumed this was the animal’s caretaker.
Sebastian slid off the horse first, then reached up and helped me down. He let me slide down the front of his body, and I felt his erection pressing into my stomach. Once I was on my feet, I expected him to step away, but he stayed close and looked down into my eyes.
“Are you feeling okay today?”
The way he asked me, with an edge of suspicion in his voice, made me believe there was motive behind the question.
“Yes. Why?” I asked, my palms pressed into his chest.
His arm tightened around my back, pressing his erection into me harder. “Because I’m going to fuck you. I want to make sure I get a good return on my investment.”
His words left me in shock, the gravity of them tangible in the air. I stared at him as he took a step back, his gaze sweeping over my body before he finally turned and headed inside. With no other option, I silently trailed behind him.
Iwalked away from Belle, knowing she would follow me. I had to get my emotions under control when it came to her.
I woke up this morning in a guest room. I refused to sleep in the same bed as her, and since she fell asleep instantly last night after I fucked her brains out, it left me with no other option. I thought releasing my load would help get a good night’s rest, but it didn’t. Instead, I thought about her. Her moans and pleas running through my head like a bad memory that wouldn’t go away. Even when I closed my eyes, she appeared.
Madness—that explained the sheer craziness taking over my mind. Lying in bed was a waste, so I’d gotten up and headed to my office at the crack of dawn. Nothing like a few hundred emails waiting to be read to get your blood pumping. Hours passed, my headache had returned, and I still had a large chunk of emails and a few missed calls to get through. Barclay came knocking at the exact moment I leaned back in my executive chair and peered out the window. He brought a fresh cup of coffee, some aspirin, and his unwanted suggestions.Old bastard.