Page 53 of Mercilessly Bred
The doctor just chuckled.
“You’re going to have boys.”
Belle’s breath rushed out of her, and I realized she had been holding it.
The doctor went on about other anatomical observations, but it all boiled down to a perfectly healthy pregnancy. She packed away the machine when she was done.
“Congratulations,” she said. “You’re building a beautiful family.”
I looked down and saw Belle rubbing her belly with a small smile.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “We are.”
I didn’t plan on making a family, but things changed. Was I still going to leave the company?
Maybe my fate was to stay put and assume the roles of a father and husband.
“I’m hungry,” Belle said as she struggled to get off the bed.
I helped, shamelessly brushing my hand over her breasts as I did. Her eyes flared with passion, but I shook my head.
“Later, sweetheart. Let’s feed the three of you.”
I hadn’t been in town for lunch in over four years. I had a castle full of staff, including two chefs at my disposal, but I didn’t hate the idea of eating somewhere in town and getting out for a bit.
“How are you feeling?” I asked as we walked toward the exit.
“I’m fine. Why?”
“I was thinking of taking you to a diner I used to frequent years ago, but it’s higher on the mountain. Are you up for it?”
I drove this time, taking it nice and slow with my precious cargo on board. Belle looked out the window as we went, perking up when the diner came into view. It was a cute little place overlooking the town and surrounding country. But the really breathtaking view was the mountains. Belle got out of the car when I parked, holding her belly as she looked around. She was cute, with her earmuffs and mittens. Her coat was so thick that it almost hid the swell of her stomach.
It wasn’t as cold now that it was March, but I still insisted she bundled up when we left the house. The last thing I wanted was for her to get sick. Going inside, we took a seat near a window so that we could appreciate the view while we ate.
“What kind of food is this?” Belle asked, picking up the menu that was in Swiss German.
“Traditional Switzerland cuisine. I’ll order for you.”
“You’re so bossy.” She pouted.
But she sat the menu down and didn’t question me when the waitress came over and I told her what we wanted.
The chefs at the castle usually made American-style food, and when the waitress returned to the table, I wasn’t sure if Belle would enjoy eating this instead. But her face split in a huge smile, and she was quick to try a little bit of everything, even my meal. I didn’t mind. Seeing how much she loved it, I made a mental note to have the chefs incorporate a little traditional Switzerland food into the rotation.
“Can I have dessert?” Belle asked once our plates were clean.
I immediately opened my mouth to say no, but those pleading eyes melted my resolve. I signed. “Fine.”
Flagging down the waitress, I ordered a slice of Zuger Kirschtorte. The airy cake was one of my personal favorites with its cherry flavor and undertones of brandy.
“Oh my God,” Belle said as she took her first bite. “This is delicious. I want to eat it every day.”
“I’m glad you like it,” I said.