Page 12 of Hate Like Ours
“I said you were in my seat,” he hisses before throwing my books onto the floor as well. There are gasps around the room before everyone starts to laugh at the spectacle. No one offers to help me up. They just watch as it all happens.
What the hell was I expecting? Why would anyone help the new girl when their king was putting on a show for them? They’re probably afraid it would make them the next target. It’s either that or everyone here are just assholes. I’m beginning to think it’s the latter.
“What the hell is your problem, asshole?” I yell at him, feeling thoroughly embarrassed.
“Go back to where you came from, you fat-ass cow. No one wants you here,” he hisses at me. I’m about to respond but I feel something trickling down my forehead. I lift my shaking hand up to touch it. When I pull it away, I see my fingers are covered in blood.
I look back up at him, and he’s staring at me with cold dead eyes. There’s no emotion in them. There is no remorse for the fact that he made me hit my head and caused me to bleed. I’m guessing this is war since he just drew first blood. I slowly get up on shaky legs and make my way out of the classroom to head to the nurse’s office for a Band-Aid for my head. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to find it.
“Hello there, sweetie,” the nurse says as I knock and enter her office. “I’m nurse Shay. What can I help you with today?” Uhhh, does she seriously not see my head bleeding right now?
“Um, hi. My name is Raine and today is my first day here. I had a little mishap with my bag and the desk. I fell and hit my head on the side of one of the desks and was wondering if you had any Band-Aids?” I ask.
“Oh, yikes! I guess you’re having a rough first day, huh? Come in and sit here and let me take a look at it,” she says, pointing to one of the chairs for me to sit in.
I take a seat and then she begins to clean the cut before adding some cotton wool and then a plaster on top of it.
“The good news is you don’t need any stitches and you should be healed in no time,” she says in a friendly voice.
“Thank you,” I tell her, feeling choked up and barely managing to hold back the tears. The day has barely started and I already hate this school.
“Here’s a note for your teacher,” she says, handing me the note. I take it, thanking her before getting up and heading to class again.
Why the hell was he so cruel and mean to me? It’s not like I’ve done anything to him. I don’t even know him. So why? I’m pondering this as I slowly make my way back to class. I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before and I’m not sure how to handle the situation if it persists.
I’m sure going to one of the teachers and telling them what happened won’t solve anything because of who he and his family are. I know how schools work when it comes to bullying. They rarely ever take the side of the person who is being bullied. Plus, I’m new here, and they’ve known him for a lot longer than they’ve known me. No one is going to help me. I’ll just have to find a way to deal with this myself.
When I get closer to the class, I stop and take a deep breath to calm myself before entering again. I’m hoping the teacher still isn’t there but luck isn’t on my side for the second time. When I step inside, I see the teacher is here, and he starts chewing me out right there in front of the entire class. I’m guessing this is the typical welcome for this school.
“I’m assuming you’re Miss Carrington,” he states in a stern voice.
“Yes, sir.”
“You’re late,” he says, like I don’t already know that.
“I’m sorry, sir. I had an incident earlierand—”
“Not a good enough excuse, Miss Carrington. You have detention this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon as well,” he says, cutting me off.
“But I have a note from the nurse’s office—” I start but he cuts me off again.
“Not another word, Miss Carrington. Now, I’d advise you to take your seat,” he says, clearly losing his patience with me.
My shoulder slumps for a second but at this point, I don’t even bother arguing with him. There’s no way I’m going to change his mind.
I hear snickers coming from everyone in class and shake my head. Of course this school is filled with the typical high schoolers. You know, the ones who follow the jocks around like they’re the gods who hung the moon and whatever the hell they say goes. So far everyone has just been following this asshole Knox’s lead.
Why did I think this place was going to be different? It looks so serene and like nothing bad ever happens here but I’m starting to see differently. It’s just an illusion meant to lure you into a false sense of security.
When I look over to the seat I was in before, my book is set neatly on top of the desk and everything is back in place like nothing happened earlier. I look up and around the class and spot Knox sitting at the back with three guys and a girl around him. They’re talking among themselves but he’s staring right at me.
He’s smirking with a satisfied expression on his face. Why the hell did he make such a fuss about a fucking seat that he wasn’t even sitting in? Now I know that I’m not being crazy. The guy really does seem to hate me for some reason. Seriously, what kind of bullshit is that?
I let out a long sigh as I make my way back to the seat I was in earlier and sit down as the teacher gets started with the lesson. If this morning was any indication of how this year was going to go then, it’s going to be a long one.
Now I’m thinking about graduating and getting out of here as soon as I can and going to a college that’s as far away from here as possible.
To say that this morning was a disaster would be putting it lightly. That first class I had where the teacher was rude to me was English and after that I had two more before making my way to fourth period math. After math, it would be time for lunch and I couldn’t wait for that because I was starving.