Page 29 of Hate Like Ours
“Are you okay? Sorry it took a while to get here. I was dealing with Asher, the asshole,” she grumbles as she looks me over.
“I’m fine,” I say, letting out a sigh. “Just utterly humiliated, but what else is new since I’ve been here. Am I right?”
“I’m so sorry. None of this should be happening,” she says glumly.
“Understatement of the century and it sucks. I don’t even know why the guy hates me when we don’t even know each other,” I say, grinding my teeth, thinking about the unfairness of the situation.
“He’s my friend and even I have no clue,” she grumbles.
“Anyway, I’ll see you later. I can’t stay here for the rest of the day. I’m about to head out and explore this town or some shit,” I tell her so she knows and doesn’t look for me later.
“Ooh, we’re ditching. I love it! I have just the place in mind,” she says, grinning at me.
“You don’t have—” I start but she cuts me off.
“I’m not leaving you alone when you clearly need someone right now,” she says, pulling me out the door. I guess there’s no stopping her now. It looks like we’re going on an adventure.
The bell had already rung a few minutes earlier so when we step out of the bathroom, the halls are empty.
There’s no sign of Knox or his crew that always seem to be around him and I’m especially glad for that. I don’t want to see his face right now, not after everything that went down earlier. I feel like if I did see him, I’d end up with some kind of felony charge or something for trying to murder him.
“So, where are we going?” I ask quietly as we sneak out one of the back doors of the building. The coast is still clear and I feel like for once, something is going in my favor.
“There’s an abandoned train track at the edge of town,” she tells me as we continue on our way.
“Hmm, do you go there often?” I ask curiously.
“Yep. It’s actually not far away from where I live. I usually go there when I’m lonely, and just need to get away from the people here or to de-stress and chill by myself.”
“Sounds like a good time,” I tell her.
“Oh, it definitely is. I’m tired of dealing with these bimbos always throwing themselves at the guys,” she says in a huff.
“Asher specifically, right?” I ask in a teasing tone and she blushes.
“No,” she says and I stare her down with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay. Fine. Yes. Ugh!” She groans out loud and a huge smile crosses my face.
“Knew it!” I say happily.
“Well, it doesn’t matter because the guy is an asshole who hates me. Can we talk about something else for now? I need alcohol in my system if I’m going to talk about him,” she grumbles.
“Fine. But don’t think you’re off the hook! How long does it take to get there?” I question, changing the subject for her benefit. We’re finally out the door and we’re walking to the front.
“Fifteen minutes to get to my house by bus, longer if we walk. But I also need ice cream before liquor!” she informs me and I shrug. I’m not about to object. After the few hours I’ve had in that school, I’m ready for something that will take my mind off of it.
“We don’t need to take the bus or walk because I drive,” I say, winking at her.
“Ooo, yay! That is so much better!” she squeals and we both make our way to the parking lot. I get into the driver’s side and she gets in the passenger side.
I drive off a moment later, and she directs me to the ice cream shop. I pay for both of our ice creams and we sit there and eat it before we leave. We drive all the way to her house and I park in her driveway.
We then walk to the liquor store. When we walk in, there’s a guy that seems to be a few years older than us.
He greets her like they’re long-lost friends and she asks him for a bottle of vodka. I’m surprised that he’s giving it to her since we’re still in our uniforms. We’re obviously not twenty-one yet. But since we’re in her part of town, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Once we’re out of the store, we begin walking to wherever she’s taking us. As we walk, we talk about random things, getting to know each other a little better.