Page 97 of Hate Like Ours
“Fuck, Knox! You feel so good inside my pussy! We shouldn’t be doing this but fuck, it feels so good!” she screams as she starts to come on my cock. “Fuck me harder! Fuck me like you hate me!” she babbles incoherently.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby. Try to fuck yourself on my cock and flood it with all that yummy pussy juice that’s mine only. Don’t worry, I am fucking you like I hate you, because I do,” I growl as I speed up my thrusts. A few more pumps later, I’m spilling all my seed straight into her waiting cunt.
“Fuck! Fuck! I’m coming!” she screams. Her pussy has a death grip on my dick now as she comes and squirts all over my cock. Her body is trembling from the intensity of her orgasm and I smirk down at her.
“Fuuuuck!” I groan out loud as I finally come down from my orgasm and collapse down on top of her.
We’re both panting as I lift myself up and loosen the cuffs from around her limbs and then I just lie there next to her. Her T-shirt is coated with sweat. We both are.
Don’t ask me why I do it because hell if I know, but I pull her into me with her back against my chest and hold her. We don’t say a word. We just lie there in silence. This is the first time we’ve ever been quiet around each other, not spewing some bullshit to one another. I’ve got to say, I kind of like it.
But I’m not about to let anyone know that. We probably spend about fifteen minutes like that before my dick becomes rock hard again. I let out a groan as I start to grind my hips into her ass.
“Why the fuck can’t I stay away from you? It’s like you’ve cast a spell on me, witch,” I groan in her ear, and I feel her body shiver against mine.
I roll her onto her back and position myself so that I’m looming over her. I grab a hold of her jaw and turn her face so that we’re both looking into each other’s eyes.
“That’s the first real thing you’ve ever said to me. Then you must be a warlock because you seem to have cast the same spell on me,” she whispers, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. If I’m being honest, it’s the same one that I’m currently feeling as well.
I don’t know but I feel like something changed between us just now…
I’m not sure if I can fight my feelings at this point but we’ll see what happens. I already have a feeling that we’re going to end in disaster.
I still have a secret I’m keeping from her. One that I can’t let her know and one that will destroy her if she ever finds out. After what just happened between us, I’m not sure if I want to destroy her anymore.
Well today’s the day…
The day I’ve been dreading for weeks. It’s crazy how time flies when you’re in misery. My mom and Jonathan are finally tying the knot and I’m still not sure how I’m feeling about the entire thing.
On one hand, I’m happy for her, but on the other hand, it’s bringing me so much anxiety. In just a few hours, Knox will officially be my stepbrother. It feels like time flew to this day or maybe time just got away from me because of my new drug habit. It has been keeping me blissfully unaware of half the things around me.
The only things that managed to stay the same were that I still hated this school, the people here were still assholes, and I was still confused as fuck when it came to Knox and my feelings for him. I still hated him but I also still felt things for him which were not good for me.
He made me feel exhilarated when we were together but he also made me feel like a weak little girl because of the way I let his words get to me. All those nasty things he’d called me and kept calling me when I first got here are still stuck inside my head, like demons that won’t go away.
That one night earlier this week when he was a little vulnerable with me, it was the last. The next day, he went back to acting weird, like we didn’t have a moment together that night. The rest of the week pretty much went that way.
I avoided him as much as I could and I even drove my own car to school. The next morning after that disastrous one, Jonathan let me know that he had my tires replaced and I was thankful for that. I still didn’t know who messed with my car since it could literally be anyone.
I’m not going to lie. I’m scared. It feels like things are getting worse and I have a feeling that something big and bad is coming soon. I just don’t know what it is. This past week I’ve spent most of my free time by myself in the library or in my room when I was home.
Everything that’s been happening to me is the main reason why I’ve become addicted to the pills I’ve been taking. It’s the only thing that doesn’t make me remember how bad my life is, if only for a few hours.
These days when I look in the mirror, I can finally see the change in me. I see the weight I’ve lost and how my body looks better, but I still can’t quit taking the pills. I keep pushing myself to lose more weight because I think it will make me feel better. In reality, I feel like shit.
The bullying still happens and people still taunt and pull pranks on me. So I guess the weight had nothing to do with anything. They all still hate me because Knox hates me and that’s the root of the whole problem, isn’t it?
I wear baggy clothes, so no one sees the weight I’ve lost. The cutting has gotten worse and my body is filled with so many more scars. Some deep, some not, but it looks horrible every time I look at myself.
Yet I can’t stop hurting myself. It’s become second nature and somewhere deep down inside, I know it’s bad and I shouldn’t do it. But it’s the only thing that keeps that pain at bay.
Even though things are weird between Knox and me, I wouldn’t say that it was as bad as it was when I first got here. Somewhere along the line, said line got blurred and now I don’t know which side we’re on anymore.
Hiding in the house you were living in is almost like mental torture as well because I want to avoid Knox as much as I can. I don’t want to upset him and end up on the wrong side of one of his mood swings that I always end up getting caught in.