Page 14 of Love Like Mine
Okay, okay, calm down, Knox! Maybe she’s somewhere else in the house.I search the entire house for her but she’s nowhere to be seen. Now I’m really starting to get worried. My fear of her relapsing and taking pills or even cutting herself because I wasn’t here to watch over her is at the forefront of my mind.
That’s when I remember the tracking app I had installed on her phone. I open it and a second later I have her location. I see that it isn’t far from school but it’s not at the school. It’s in the same position and not moving at all.
What the hell is she doing there? Without waiting another moment, I rush back down the stairs and follow her location. When I get there to where it says she’s supposed to be, I find nothing but the empty road. Well, except for the pieces of metal scattered on the road. My gut clenches with dread because it definitely looks like there was some sort of accident here.
I come to a screeching stop when I see that I’m on top of her or I should be if she was here. I get out of my car and look around. I notice her phone all the way in the grass, off the shoulder of the road. What the fuck?
I don’t like where the hell my mind is taking me right now. I mean, she wouldn’t just drop her phone like that and leave it here. Without thinking, I dial Ash. I know he’s probably sleeping after the rough night we just had but I’m surprised when he answers on the first ring.
“Did you miss me, asshole?” he jokes.
“I need your help! I can’t find Raine,” I croak out into the phone. My voice doesn’t sound like mine at all and it takes me a second to realize that fear is what’s coating it.
“Where are you? I’ll come meet you,” he tells me instantly and I tell him where I am.
A few minutes later, I see him speeding toward me. He comes to a dead stop before jumping out and racing to my side.
“What happened?” he questions.
“I have no fucking clue. I went looking for her when I got home and she wasn’t anywhere in the house. Then I remembered the tracker I had on her phone and it led me here to the phone but no her…” I say before trailing off.
“Okay, let’s split up and look for her around town,” he tells me and I nod my head.
“I swear to God, I’m tagging her ass when I find her,” I grumble before we both head for our cars and drive off in opposite directions.
When I don’t find her anywhere on my side, I remember her friend Camryn and the Venom Brothers. I head over to their mansion because I’m hoping she’ll be there. Their gate is wide open when I arrive so I just drive right through.
I jump out of my car and head straight for their door. I ring the bell nonstop and their butler answers the door a few moments later.
“How may I help you, Mr. Riverside?” he asks when he takes a good look at me and recognizes me.
“I’m here to see one of the guys or Camryn,” I say. Just as he’s about to respond, I hear Ransom speaking from behind him.
“I’ll take it from here Alfred,” he says to the butler before turning to me. “Knox, what can I do for you?”
“Have you seen my girl Raine? She’s missing,” I say, getting right to the point.
“The girl you’ve hated and had bullied is now your girl?” he questions with a raised eyebrow.
“Have you seen her or not?” I snap. I don’t have the patience to explain what’s going on between us right now, especially not when she’s missing. “I figured she was probably with Camryn since the two of them are friends.”
“You mean the only friend she has because you forbid everyone else from being her friend?” he questions with a hint of anger in his voice.
“Look, we can do this whole pissing thing later. Right now, she’s missing and I need to find her. Whatever we have going on between us is a little complicated right now, but I will make every single thing I ever did to her right again. By the time I’m done, she’ll feel nothing but love,” I snap at him. He looks at me with interest in his eyes before answering me.
“Well, I’m sorry, but I can’t say that I’ve seen her, and she’s not here,” he says before slamming the door in my face.
I let out a sigh as I start to walk back to my car. My phone rings just before I get to the door and I stop to answer it.
“I didn’t find her on my side,” Asher says as soon as I answer.
“Fucking hell, where could she be?” I growl into the phone. “Let me call my PI. Meet me back at the house,” I tell him before disconnecting the call.
As I drive away from the Venom Brother’s mansion, I call my PI and tell him that I need to find her. He says that he’ll call me as soon as he gets anything. By the time I make it back home, Asher is already there waiting for me.
We both head inside and head straight for the den since I can’t do anything else right now.
“Any news on Ez?” I ask him when we both take a seat on the couch. I turn the television on for some background noise.