Page 17 of Love Like Mine
“The most beautiful boy… well, man, I’ve ever seen. But he’s an asshole and he hates me, though I’m not exactly sure why. The best I could come up with is the fact that his mom had just died when we moved there, and then his dad shacked up with my mom not long after. I mean, that would make sense as to why he hated me, right?” I questioned.
This is the first time I’ve pondered why Knox hated me out loud. I usually do it in my head. This is also the first time I’ve spoken about it with anyone else.
“What a douchebag! Want me to go kick him in the nuts? Or like, stab him through his black heart and then bury his body in his backyard? No one would probably look there. I saw it somewhere before but I forgot where. All we’d need to do is dig deeper than normal, put him in the hole, throw some dirt over him and then place a dead animal over that and bury the animal. So, if anyone did look, they’d just find the dead animal and not dig any deeper. They’d just think he’s a weirdo who kills animals and buries them in his backyard for sport,” she finished. I looked at her as though she’d lost her mind but I loved her ass all the same.
“I love you but I worry about you sometimes. How the hell do you even know that?” I questioned.
“It’s what people in the mob or serial killers do. Well, I think mostly serial killers would do that since people in the mob would just throw them in the river or chop them up into tiny pieces or something,” she tells me in an excited tone.
“So, I’m guessing your blog about the mob, serial killers and anything crime related is still up and running?”
“Well obviously,” she said with a roll of her eyes and I chuckled. My girl did love her crime and mob shit.
“Well, thanks for the offer but we’ll let him live for now,” I said with a sigh.
“Bummer,” she grumbled, sounding as if she really did want to off Knox.
“You wouldn’t look good in prison orange so I’m saving you from that horror,” I told her and then chuckled when she shivered at the thought.
“Okay, okay. I hate to say it but you’re right. Are you really fine though?” she asked.
“For now, I am. I was just overwhelmed for a second there,” I lied to her, keeping my voice as even as I could so she wouldn’t detect the fib.
“You’d tell me if you weren’t though, wouldn’t you?” she questioned.
“I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you too,” I whispered back at her.
We both get quiet after that, lying next to each other until we both fell asleep. When we woke up again, I saw that it was afternoon already and I told her that I was heading to the park for a while. I wanted to be alone for a bit. When I stepped outside of the house, I saw the sky had turned dark, and it definitely matched the mood I was in.
I walked the five minutes it took to get to the park and made my way to my favorite tree. It’s a huge sugar maple tree. Because it’s still fall, there was still some of the beautiful orange and red leaves on it.
I took a seat on the ground and braced my back against the trunk and just sat there and stared out at the Manhattan skyline.
The sky opened up a second later, and the rain began its downpour. I kept sitting there stuck with my thoughts even though the rain was soaking me. I wished it could have washed away the phantom touches I kept feeling on my body.
The sound of a twig snapping under someone’s boots pulls me out of my thoughts. I don’t move and I don’t turn around either. I think it might just be someone else walking around the park so I don’t pay them any mind.
The footsteps get closer and a moment later, his scent washes over me. I suck in a sharp breath because I didn’t think he’d follow me. I didn’t even think he’d care that I was gone.
Even though I know it’s him, I still stare straight ahead and don’t turn to look at him or even acknowledge his presence. But obviously this is Knox fucking Riverside, and the guy doesn’t like to be ignored at all.
Somehow him just being here right now brings up last night and makes it ten times worse. I can feel myself getting choked up again at the emotion and memory of it all. But I can’t tell him what happened because I don’t want anyone else to know. Four people, well, make that six people, because it includes the two who did what they did. They already know, and that’s too many people already.
Plus, I think I really would die if I have to see a disgusted look on Knox’s face when he looks at me, if he ever found out. I’m not ready for that to happen. I’d rather just stay in this tiny bubble I’ve created a little while longer.
He calls out my name but I don’t answer. He keeps walking until he’s right in front of me and I can see his boots from where I’m looking down at the ground. Knowing I can’t put this off any longer, I slowly look up at him. I hear a gasp leave him when he catches sight of my face. I know he’s seeing the aftermath of all the bruises right now. The way it’s still kind of swollen and it’s also black and blue.
“Baby! What the fuck happened to you?” he rasps out as he crouches down in front of me. I open my mouth to say something, to answer him, but no words come out. I just stare at him, not knowing what to say.
He grabs me and pulls me into his arms. He twists his body around and pulls me onto his lap, bracing his back against the trunk. Suddenly, it all becomes too much and I begin sobbing as he holds me.
The emotions running through me right now are too much to deal with on my own. I want to scream out all my frustrations or break something. I want to rage and get rid of all this angry energy inside me but I don’t know how I’m supposed to do all that.
My mind is a complete mess with all my thoughts jumbling together. He brings me closer to him so that there’s no space between us and he pulls my head against his chest with my face resting in the crook of his neck.