Page 4 of Love Like Mine
“Raine, I’m not fucking playing! Sit your ass in the chair,” I growl at her in my serious tone that lets her know I’m not playing games. She sulks as she finally sits down, but I don’t care because it’s for her own good.
“I said I’m not hungry,” she protests when I bring the food to the table and place it down in front of her.
“And I said I don’t give a fuck! You’re going to eat everything on this plate. I’m not going to let you waste away and hurt yourself anymore, babe, so get used to the idea of me riding your ass over stuff like this,” I tell her. Again, I swear this girl was sent on this earth to test my fucking patience.
When she doesn’t make a move to start eating, I let out a sigh. I push my chair out and then pull hers over to me so that she’s right in front of me, her chair between my spread legs.
I give her a look when it seems as though she’s about to argue again, and she pipes right down. I cut a piece of toast, grab some eggs, and feed her the spoonful while I watch as she chews. With the expression on her face, you’d think I was giving her cardboard to eat or something. I just shake my head at her antics, but keep feeding her, nonetheless.
When we’re done, she looks as though she’s going to be sick. I know it’s because she thinks she needs to throw up since she ate something. She’s already trained her body to do that and it hurts seeing her like this. I quickly pull her up and out of the chair, setting her on my lap and holding the glass of water to her lips so she can drink a sip of it.
“Hey, hey. You’re going to be fine, baby. You don’t need to throw your food up,” I tell her as I rest her head in the crook of my neck and rub her back in a soothing motion. “I know it’s what you want to do, but just breathe.” I keep the up-and-down motion going, and a few minutes later, she seems to relax a bit in my arms.
I know she’s fine when she hops off my lap ten minutes later and looks everywhere but at me. I sigh. I get it, I do, but it’s so frustrating. I know she doesn’t want to get close to me or let herself be vulnerable in front of me because of all the shit that’s happened. I can’t blame her for being so closed off.
“Let’s go,” I tell her, knowing I can’t say anything else to her right now. I don’t want to upset her because what just happened is enough pushing for the morning.
She follows me to the garage and I get into her new car while she gets into the passenger side. We’re using hers since I’ll be gone later today and she needs to drive herself home. I still hate the idea of going to the game and leaving her here, but if I skip the game, Coach will most likely murder me. We’re so close to finals and so close to winning.
As soon as we make it to school and into the parking lot, she goes to jump out of the car like her ass is on fire. I laugh because she has another thing coming if she thinks she can get away from me so easily. I quickly grab her hand before she can get out of the car. She turns to look at me questioningly. “No matter how far or how fast you want to run away from me, I’m always going to chase you until I catch you and bring you right back to where you belong.”
“Why? Why can’t you just leave me alone?” she questions with a sort of desperation in her voice, like she’s dying to know what the hell is going on with me. Or like she’s desperate to know if I’m still fucking with her.
“Because I can’t bear the thought of ever letting you go. So look at me real good, baby. This face is what you have to look forward to for the rest of your life,” I tell her honestly. She looks at me like I’ve grown two heads but doesn’t say a word as she pulls away and gets out of the car.
I let her go for now because I know I’ll catch up with her in a few. When I step out of the car, I spot Ivy looking at me and then looking back in the direction that Raine went. I watch as a pissed-off expression crosses her face before she storms away with her minions following behind her.
I don’t know what the fuck she has to be pissed about. It’s not like we were a couple or anything like that. She knew the rules. It’s not my fault that she deluded herself into thinking that they didn’t apply to her.
“Hey, bro,” Asher says as he walks up to me.
“Everything good?” Ax asks next.
“Is she okay?” Ez asks quietly. I greet them all and then answer Ez’s question.
“She’s as okay as she can be after what happened. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of her,” I tell him. He lets out a breath as though he was holding it in.
“Oh, that’s good. I was worried about her,” he says in a low voice. I appreciate him speaking low so no one else hears us, since nobody knows anything.
“Are you okay? You look a little pale,” I say and see Ax’s gaze zero in on him a second later, but Ez just shrugs.
“I’m great. Never been better.” He laughs. “You guys ready for the game tonight?”
“Born ready,” I say, noticing he changed the topic but letting it go because Asher and Axel start hooting and hollering about how ready to kick some asses they are.
After we shoot the shit for a few minutes, we all head to class. I walk in and see Raine in her usual seat at the front, with her head down. I heard the whispering that was going on around her, but it died down as soon as I entered the room. I walk right up to her desk and look down at her until she lifts her head to look at me.
“You’re with me,” I tell her. I should have known she’d disobey me because she just loves to test my goddamn patience.
“No. I have to stay in the front to concentrate. I’m already failing as it is.” She whispers that last part.
“Fine, suit yourself,” I say and then look at all the people already in their seats surrounding her. I don’t even have to say a word and they all scatter to find another seat. I sit behind her. Asher sits to the right of her, Ezra sits to her left and Axel sits behind him. Kinsley comes into class a moment later and she takes the seat to Asher’s right.
Raine doesn’t even look up. She just acts like none of us exists as she does whatever it is that she’s doing. Normally, I’d probably get annoyed, but I quickly remind myself that she needs time.
She won’t magically fall into my arms because I want her to. She has a fighting spirit and I need to remember that. A smile ghosts my lips as I think about what she did to my car. If she was anyone else, I’d have gone postal for someone fucking with what’s mine. But she needed some form of revenge, so I didn’t even let on to the fact that I knew what she did.
When my car wouldn’t start, I had to look at the security footage in the garage. That’s when I saw what my little hellion did.She’s a devious little thing when she wants to be.