Page 42 of Love Like Mine
Did he fucking use condoms with that skank? He’s been fucking me raw ever since he started fucking me.
I pull away quickly and bend over the grass before losing all the contents in my stomach—all the shit he made me eat this morning.Well, at least I finally got to throw it all up.
“Get the fuck out of here, Ivy!” he snaps before he jumps off the hood and rushes over to me. He kneels beside me on the concrete.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asks gently, rubbing my back before moving the hair away from my face. Asher hands him a water which he then hands to me. I take a small sip to rinse my mouth before drinking some of it. Before I can answer him, Ivy is screeching like a damn pterodactyl.
“Baby? What the fuck, Knox? That’s gross! She’s your stepsister. We belong together! You don’t fucking belong with her!” she screams.
Knox gets to his feet and goes to her before grabbing her throat and snapping at her. “Since you want to be an inconvenience and stand where you’re not wanted, let me tell you something that you can spread so it’ll make my job easier. Raine is now my girlfriend. If anyone messes with her, I will destroy them. Be a dear and fucking pass that around to the entire school,” he tells her in a deadly tone.
It’s not directed at me but even I shiver at his words. I’ve been on his bad side before and I know that’s not a good place to be.
“Fucking leave before I make an example out of you!” he snaps and she scurries away. He comes back over to me.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly. All traces of his anger and the crazy man are gone. He’s so fucking confusing with the way he can switch between emotions so quickly, like nothing at all happened or like he’s ready to burn the world down.
“Di-did you fuck her raw like you fuck me? Do I need to get a fucking STD test?” I question, feeling like I want to throw up all over again.
“Of course not. You’re the first and you’ll be the last woman I fuck raw. You’re the only one to ever have my cum inside you. Speaking of, are you keeping it nice and warm in your tight-as-fuck pussy for me?” he smirks and I want to punch him again.
“Get over yourself! I’m cleaning up as soon as we get inside!” I snap at him as I get to my feet.
“Don’t even think about it. You’re going to spend the rest of the day with my cum inside you, right where it belongs and whatever leaks out, leaks out. Personally, I’d love to see you walking around school with my cum leaking down your legs,” he says with a smirk as he takes my hand and we begin to walk inside.
Now I get what the whole staying outside with his friends was for. This is supposedly his idea of putting up a united front and also for him to show everyone we’re supposedly together now.
Fine. Whatever.
I’ll play along with his stupid game for now and see where the fuck he’s going with this. Hopefully, soon, I’ll be able to leave him and this place behind.
This whole morningis going to shit and it’s barely even started. I can already feel a headache forming at the front of my head. Knox isn’t even making things better since he’s just annoying me at this point.
He’s holding onto my hand as tight as possible since I keep trying to pull it out of his. If I thought the stares while we were outside were bad, it’s nothing compared to all the eyes that are in here gawking at us right now.
The moment we stepped inside, the hallway became deadly silent as all eyes were focused on us. The whispering started a moment later. You’d swear that the students here didn’t have a life with the way they’re so invested in mine and Knox’s. Well, mostly Knox’s if we’re being real here.
I look up at him to gauge his reaction but he’s just staring straight ahead as we walk. Like they don’t even exist for him which is fucking annoying for me because I can never get their whispers out of my head. It’s still stuck in there on a continuous loop that won’t seem to stop while he’s walking like everyone isn’t staring or talking about us.
Clearly us walking in here together like this is a surprise for them as much as it was for me. I still hate the guy, but right now, I’m just going with the flow because I’m so bloody tired.
I’m tired of fighting for my place here every single day. I’m tired of fighting all the negative shit that’s floating around inside my head, tired of fighting him, myself, and just everything in general.
I need a break for a while to center myself. I can already see myself spiraling. If I go down that path again… I know it won’t end well. Sometimes, you just feel those things, you know?
Every night since Halloween, when I lie in bed, it’s like I can still feel that guy’s hands on me—the way he gripped me and touched me. It makes me crazy all over again and the cycle won’t stop, even though it’s only been a few days.
I wish I was strong enough to block it all out, but I’m not. That’s what keeps me up at night. Whenever I let Knox touch me, it helps to make me forget about what happened to me, if only for a little while.
I don’t want to be scared of sex for the rest of my life because of what happened, so sleeping with the dickhead is taking back my power, well, sort of.
“I need to go to my locker to grab one of my books,” I finally say, breaking the silence between us.